My name is Lou Finkle...and THIS is Conspiracy Theory
REPRESSIVE MEMORY: Is it why I can't use the toilet in public.
My brother Frank came to visit me the other day and we got to talking about us being kids and how we had a great childhood. But, you know, I had to bring up something that's been bothering me for 40 years.
"Now wait just a minute, Lou. If you're talking about me, I get to have a say in the matter."
Ok, talk about it, let's talk about it. You stole my Crayons in the third grade!

"Are you still bringing that up! I told you I don't know where those Crayons went! It was 40 years ago, Lou! Go and use the toilet!"

I know you did it Frank. Mom had just bought 'em for me and you knew that. It was you a Joey Pickles in the room when I went to the toilet. And when I came back my Crayons was gone!
But...I talked to a priest about it and...

"Oh, you went to a priest about Crayons?"
Yep...and he told me to forgive you, Frank. And ever since then...I've been using the toilet.
And that's how I wanted to end this episode of Conspiracy Theory, Frank. I forgive you.
"Good....Bye the way, Lou....I did take your Crayons. Yeah! And I'm keeping them until I'm cold in the grave...What do 'ya think about that?

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