Represent them at the 2015 NFL Pro Bowl in Scottsdale, Ariz.
Charo has been a member of the Redskins Cheerleaders for four seasons and is currently in her first season as one of the four team captains. She works full time as a public accountant and is a graduate of the University of Maryland.
The Redskins announced Charo as the Pro Bowl Cheerleader during Sunday's game against the St. Louis Rams at FedExField. The team was excited to surprise her at the game with her parents and brother on the field as she received flowers and a sash from 2014 Pro Bowl Cheerleader, Maigan, and 2009 Pro Bowl Cheerleader, Tiffany.
"I am so excited. Is this real life?" Charo said. "You make the team and see girls go to the Pro Bowl, and you never think it will be you! I am beyond humbled and grateful -- thank you so much to my incredible, kindhearted teammates.”
Each season the team's Pro Bowl cheerleader is selected by their teammates and is announced at a Redskins home game. The Pro Bowl representative then takes a lap around the entire stadium waving to the fans with family by their side.
Maigan, the Redskins Cheerleaders 2014 Pro Bowl representative, said she was very excited to pass down this honor to her fellow teammate & captain, Charo.
“Charo is not only an awesome dancer and beautiful girl, but she's a positive influence and helpful leader," Maigan said. “She loves the team and is dedicated to continuing our traditions and making our team the best it can be. Charo is one of my good friends and I'm so proud of her! I know she will be amazing and will represent WRC well. Congratulations and welcome to the Pro Bowl Cheerleader family!”
Patriots Cheerleader Victoria on her favorite ways to stay fit, the music that motivates her and the protein snack she can't get enough of.
Name: Victoria
Favorite Workout: My favorite workout has to be everyone's favorite: leg day! In fact, I like leg day so much that sometimes I'll do it twice, with one day for heavy lifting and the other for plyometrics (jump training). Doing both stimulates muscle confusion, which allows me to get lean and increase stability. I'm a big fan of box jumps and box step-ups as well as dead lifts and glute cable kickbacks. I'll finish off my leg day with a 30-minute cardio workout on the Stairmaster and a BMAX Core Chiseler.
Go-to exercise: I never thought I'd ever say this, but I started running last summer and it has done wonders. When I stopped playing soccer I was originally against running because of the "dreadmill," which was murder on my knees. This year, though, I ran on sidewalks, grass, track and trails with no issues. When I have a lot of energy to burn, I run a few miles to the local track and do sprint circuits. It's great to be able to exercise outdoors and enjoy my surroundings. Plus, running is an exercise you can perform anytime and anywhere, which is helpful while traveling.
Must-have gear or accessory: My Lululemon ear warmer. It's comfortable, breathable and blocks out the wind while I'm running.
Post-workout snack: Fellow Patriots Cheerleader Brittany D introduced us to Nuts 'N More, a local company that makes several types of nut butters and protein powders. I am addicted to their chocolate almond butter. It is all natural and has added whey protein and flax seed, providing me with a healthy way to refuel my body after a tough workout. Plus, it tastes amazing! You can add it to shakes, on Ezekiel Bread or just eat it alone by the spoonful (and I have no shame in admitting I do that quite often).
My current workout playlist: 1. The Phoenix – Fall Out Boy 2. Adrenaline – Shinedown 3. Antisaint – Chevelle 4. Ayy Ladies – Travis Porter ft. Tyga 5. Beast Mode – B.O.B. 6. Belt - Say Anything 7. Blackout – Breathe Carolina 8. Can't Be Tamed – Miley Cyrus 9. Clique – Kanye West ft. Big Sean and Jay-Z 9. Wild Boy – MGK ft. Waka Flocka Flame 10. Get Back – Ludacris ft. Sum 41 11. Play Hard – Krewella 12. Warning Shot – Machine Gun Kelly ft. Cassie 13. Bullet with Butterfly Wings – Smashing Pumpkins 14. Settle Down – No Doubt
Ronin Shimizu was the subject of taunts and intense bullying for years before the 12-year-old finally broke down, killing himself last week.
Now Shimizu’s death has become a rallying point for online activists, who are trying to use his death to draw attention to the dangers of bullying.
Shimizu was subject to teasing and bullying so intense that his parents switched schools several times in an attempt to escape it. When new bullies showed up each time — making fun of Ronin for being on the the cheerleading team and calling him “gay” — his parents eventually decided to home school the boy.
“His family was supportive 100 percent. They knew he wasn’t the typical, average boy – football, wrestling,” said Josh Meixner of Folsom, a Shimizu family friend. “They wanted to take him to a school where he could be accepted, but it never happened. They tried to shield him from the bullying.”
This week, students at Folsom High School gathered to remember Ronin Shimizu, releasing light green balloons — his favorite color — and vowing to stand up to bullying.
Many online have rallied after Ronin’s death. The hashtags #RIPRonin and #RIPRoninShimizu became trends on Twitter this week, leading many to speak out against bullying and in support of Ronin.
“Any allegations bullying related to this specific incident, we’re certainly reviewing how we responded to those and we’ll use that as an opportunity to always take a look at how we respond to future allegations,” said Daniel Thigpen of the Folsom County School District.
Experts say social media can sometimes hurt matters, making it easier for bullies to target victims without having to actually face them, while also allowing supporters to distance themselves.
“Social media can be an effective tool, but it’s easier to write your support than to show it in person and at school, and I don’t like that,” Donna Clark-Love, a bullying-prevention expert and educator based in Houston, Texas, tells Yahoo! Parenting. “Oftentimes I’ll be speaking at a school and someone will ask me, ‘Did you see my [supportive] tweet?’ And my question is, did you stand up at school? Because if you’re going to do social media, then speak out in school, too.”
But supporters of Ronin Shimizu have vowed to continue their work, making sure that his death was not in vain.
They were reportedly forced to undertake 'jiggle tests' to determine their fitness levels, warm up in a frigid storeroom that smelled of gasoline and put up with leering men at their calendar-release party.
Now, a former Buffalo Bills cheerleader has told of her nightmare ordeal as part of the NFL squad.
Alyssa U, who was initially 'thrilled' to become a 'Buffalo Jills' cheerleader, claims she was forced to endure degrading treatment and was 'treated like a piece of meat' by her supervisors.
She says she was ordered to pay $650 for her uniform, attend 'humiliating' events that left her open to groping and sexual comments and adhere to a strict set of rules dictating how she should live her life.
Speaking out: Alyssa U (pictured), who was initially 'thrilled' to become a Buffalo Bills cheerleader, claims she was forced to endure degrading treatment and was 'treated like a piece of meat' by her team supervisors
And despite her and her teammates' hard work, the 23-year-old claims they were paid a pittance, earning money from just a few small tips and occasional appearance fees.
Alyssa, who does not wish to disclose her full surname, reportedly made only $420 for more than 800 hours of work, while her teammate, Maria, earned just $105.
'People really thought we had it good, that we were paid well and had this luxurious lifestyle,' Alyssa told the New York Times. 'Seriously? I ended up feeling like a piece of meat.'
Speaking of her decision to leave the squad and never again return, she added: 'It came down to this: What self-worth do I have? I am 100 percent happy with myself without this.'
In May, Alyssa, Maria and three other cheerleaders sued the Bills - a team that each year makes revenue in excess of $200 million - alleging flagrant violations of state minimum wage laws.
They claim they were wrongly classified as independent contractors by Stejon Productions, which manages the Jills and failed to compensate them for hundreds of hours of work in 2012 and 2013.
Cheerleaders: As a Buffalo Jill (pictured), Alyssa says she was ordered to pay $650 for her uniform, attend events that left her open to groping and adhere to a strict set of rules dictating how she should live her life
Lawsuit: In May, Alyssa (far right), her teammate Maria (pictured, center, with their lawyer, Sean Cooney, left) and three other cheerleaders sued the Buffalo Bills, alleging flagrant violations of state minimum wage laws
'We had always dreamed since we were little girls of becoming Buffalo Jills cheerleaders and unfortunately it was anything but a good experience,' Alyssa told WIVB.
'[They made us do] everything from standing in front of us with a clipboard and having us do a jiggle test to see what parts of our body were jiggling and if that was something she saw, then you weren’t performing at all.'
In addition to 'jiggle tests', Jills cheerleaders were also reportedly forced to cover their own travel expenses during team appearances, and purchase and resell 50-75 swimsuits calendars.
Once, they were required to attend a 'Men Show' at a casino, where they were leered at and grabbed by punters, while a calendar release party started at midnight at another casino, it is said.
1. When several of the same utensils are offered, start with the outermost utensil and use one for each course. In a formal setting, the silverware will be removed with the dish, leaving you with a clean slate.
2. When cutting meat. Never cut the full piece of meat all at once. Cut as you go, American style (cut and switch fork to right hand to eat) or European style (keeping fork in left hand to eat) eating is acceptable.
6. Soupspoon. Dip the spoon into the soup, moving it away from the body, until it is about two-thirds full, then sip the liquid, without slurping, from the side of the spoon without inserting the whole spoon into the mouth. This prevents soup from being spilled onto your clothes.
16. Never talk with food in your mouth. If asked a question while chewing, simply hold up your index finger to imply "one moment" and then speak after you swallow.
25. Never debate politics, religion or any other sensitive issues while dining.
Degrading: In addition to 'jiggle tests', Jills cheerleaders (pictured) were also reportedly forced to cover their own travel expenses during team appearances, and purchase and resell 50-75 swimsuits calendars
And at a charity golf tournament, they were apparently auctioned off and made to sit on the winners' laps. They were also made to don bikinis to do backflips and climb into a dunk tank, it is alleged.
In both their personal and cheerleading lives, the women were reportedly subjected to a shocking and 'onerous set of rules dictating how the women could walk, talk, dress, speak and behave'.
The handbook, that reads like it's from an Edwardian finishing school for girls, advises cheerleaders on how to wash their bodies - including their private parts - and what kind of tampons to use.
It instructs: 'When menstruating, use a product that (sic) right for your menstrual flow... A tampon too big can irritate and develop fungus.
Angry: Speaking of her decision to leave the squad and never again return, Alyssa (pictured) said: 'It came down to this: What self-worth do I have?'
'A product left in too long can cause bacteria or fungus build up. Products can be changed at least every 4 hours. Except when sleeping, they can be left in for the night.'
It details everything about being a Buffalo Jill, from what sort of nail polish is appropriate and how to wear your hair - in well-managed curls, but not ringlets - to how to sip soup at a formal dinner.
Speaking in the officer of her and Alyssa's lawyer, Sean Cooney, Maria, who is an accountant, said she 'busted her butt' to make it on to the Buffalo Jills. When she did, she was 'thrilled', she said.
But she added that it quickly became apparent that their supervisors would monitor their every move.
In addition to the strict rules, their contractor reportedly ordered them to visit a sponsor who was a plastic surgeon and offered a small discount if they opted for breast augmentation.
'If you complained, you were told: "This is a privilege. Deal with it!",' Alyssa said.
Speaking to the New York Times, Stejon Productions claimed the cheerleading side was a front operation, saying: 'The Bills control everything, from the moves to the uniforms to the dances.'
Meanwhile, face with a lawsuit, the Bills disbanded the Jills for the 2014 season.
In an affidavit, National Football League commissioner, Roger Goodell, said he had 'no knowledge' of the Jills' selection, training and pay practices.
The cheerleaders' civil action, which was filed in state Supreme Court, seeks unspecified back pay and legal fees. No trial date has yet been set. The case continues.
7. ALWAYS shower after a work out and change undergarments.
11. Intimate area's: Never use a deodorant or chemically enhanced product. Simple, non-deodorant soap will help maintain the right PH balance.
12. When menstruating, use a product that right for your menstrual flow. A tampon too big can irritate and develop fungus. A product left in too long can cause bacteria or fungus build up. Products can be changed at least every 4 hours. Except when sleeping, they can be left in for the night.
16. Wash your feet daily ! This will help control foot odor & keep fungus from developing in toenails. Cotton socks also help with odor. Nylons and nylon socks create sweaty feet which creates odor.
When pop star Lorde isn't busy dressing up like Matisyahu, the barely legal songstress has been having a flirtatious Twitter back and forth with James Deen. Well, this grabbed AVN's attention, as they have made her an offer she's likely to refuse... Performing at next month's AVN Awards ceremony.
What's interesting to me, however, is that her new bestie is hosting the XBIZ Awards, so you would think they'd be the one to extend an invite.
In case you're wondering how all of this began, here's a bit of background on the Lorde/Deen situation...
This isn't going to happen, but of course, if it does, we'll keep you up to date on the latest.
For those of you who refuse to watch the Daniel Craig version of James Bond because you think they made Bond an action hero instead a slick spy, I have two words for you that will make sure you are in line the first day for the new Bond film: Monica Bellucci.
This Italian goddess has two of the most beautiful, most perfect breasts I have ever seen. If you have never stared at the glory that is Monica Bellucci’s nude breasts, then you need to clear your calendar and start watching her movies. I’m not going to list all the film where she has bared her chest, but a few good ones to start with are Under Suspicion, Malèna, The Brotherhood of the Wolf, Irréversible, Shoot 'Em Up, and A Burning Hot Summer. Seriously, that is like only 1/3rd of her movies.
Of course, Bellucci also looks amazing with her clothes, as in these pictures from Vanity Fair. If you are like me than you agree that the only good parts of those awful Matrix sequels were Bellucci in a tight dress. While I enjoy the Daniel Craig Bond movies (they are closer to the Bond in the novels), I have even more of a reason to see the new one of the big screen. I honestly can’t wait to see what Bellucci’s character will be wearing and how she will seduce James Bond. For her, I’m sure it will be really awesome.
I gotta tell you something, when Pokerface came out, I loved it. I danced to it, I sang along to it and I most definitely did the whole “P..p..p..p..p..pokerface!” bit. What I didn’t do was admit I liked it. I mean, Lady Gaga was a pop star! And I couldn’t show that I liked a pop star. I was deep and musical taste varied but I still couldn’t admit to liking a pop star!
And so I scoffed at Katy Perry’s I kissed a girl and I liked it, and turned my nose up at anything from Beyoncé and I most definitely did not listen to Taylor Swift. But lo and behold, anytime a Beyoncé song came on it was so catchy I couldn’t help but groove to it. Seriously, have you listened to her new album? It’s quite literally Flawless!
I think you know what I might be getting at here with this glaringly obvious analogy. Yep, having a fetish is liking admitting you like pop music. I know we’ve come a long way with sex and sexuality but admitting that you might have a fetish is still not something one would do freely. Yes sure there are more and more people these days, especially with the popularity of the movie 50 Shades of Grey, that are getting comfortable with the idea of BDSM but the book was still pretty tame (and also sometimes inaccurate).
And sure it’s kinda ‘cool’ to say you like a bit of spanking or that you own a pair handcuffs but that’s like admitting to things that add to your ‘sexual adventurousness’. That’s kinda like admitting to liking Madonna now because she’s so musically matured (remember when she used to be the pop star of the 80s?). Or saying that you dig Beyoncé’s new album because she’s grown so much as a musician. It’s ok to admit to because we know that now these people are acceptable.
But try admitting that really what turns you on is when you get humiliated by a whip wielding dominatrix as she makes you lick her boots. Or that you wear a chastity belt as you sit outside a room while your wife gets fucked by two men inside because that really turns you on. Now that will bring on the chirping crickets. That’s like admitting you really think that Justin Bieber has depth or that Rebecca Black’s song Friday really hit a chord with you. Unless you’re a 12-year-old girl, that admission will most certainly bring on silence.
Now here’s when I tell you that “It’s ok to admit to your fetishes” and that “you’ll feel more free” and all that jazz. But here’s the thing, we’re not there yet. It would be nice if we lived in a world that accepted all our quirks and fetishes. And that sex between any two willing individuals be them woman on man, man on man, woman on woman or any other variation is openly accepted. But sadly, as far as we have come, we’re still not there yet.
So I think instead, we need to more books like 50 Shades of Grey (perhaps make them more accurate), more movies like The Secretary, and more documentaries like James Franco’s Kink.And in time these practices will be normalized. Perhaps not everyone will be a part of it, but at least we wouldn’t need to hide in shame.
Perhaps with less shame there will be less frustration and less acting out in other violent ways to release all that frustration. I know many people think, or rather don’t think of sex in a way that it could be important to our daily lives in subtle ways (and not just as a release), that if not realised could affect everything else that we do. But it does. It affects us.
Hopefully in the future we can admit to liking not only Justin Bieber but also fisting. Hallelujah!
Social media is hard enough to get a hold of if you're just a regular Joe Schmoe, and it's doubly hard for a number of professional athletes that just don't seem to understand in any way, shape, or form. In fact, I would wager to say that The Iron Shiek is the only one who truly understands how to use it to his fullest, but for the purposes of this demonstration, take Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson for example. He recently favorited a picture of Jessica Jades sucking a big black cock, which meant that everyone who follows him could see it too.
Now look, I would never begrudge anyone wanting to share a nice picture of a woman sucking a mean dick, but dude's got a Bible verse right there in his profile, along with a link to his cancer foundation. What on earth was he thinking? I'm more than willing to bet that he wasn't, but I will sit patiently in the corner and wait for him to come out and say that his account was hacked.
There's nothing like a bunch of hot photos of Jessica Alba stripping in sexy lingerie, but I have to admit these photos from Sin City 2 have an exceptional way of warming up a cold winter's day. I haven't seen the movie but I can definitely say that I want to now! Jessica Alba stripping in front of a green screen for the win!
I know that watching the movie will answer quite a few questions, but I still can't help but wonder why she's seen wearing multiple different wigs! Personally, I am a fan of the long brunette one. It's probably just because I have a serious lady hard on for Jessica Alba in general and that one really takes it back to her roots. Making her Hollywood debut back in 1994 and having two kids since then, Jessica is one inspirational celebrity MILF! I mean, just look at that ass! Jessica Alba is seriously a version of living, breathing, stripping, perfection.
If you're a Jessica Alba fan then I am sure these sexy strip photo stills from Sin City 2 are sure to make your day! If you aren't a Jessica Alba fan (as if that's even possible) then kindly GTFO of here! Jessica Alba's stripper hotness deserves all of the recognition in the world.
Helen O'Reilly has become Ireland's first top-level female referee in a move that could eventually see her officiate in Guinness Pro12 and European Champions Cup action.
The Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) has made O'Reilly the first female appointment to its National Referee Panel.
The Women's Rugby World Cup official has been hailed as one of the 'top female referees in the world', and will now step up to take charge at Ulster Bank League matches.
The IRFU has made Helen O'Reilly the first female appointment to its National Referee Panel
'Helen's appoinment is based solely on merit but as the first female referee to make the panel she must be congratulated,' said IRFU referee development director Owen Doyle.
'Her hard work, dedication and strong refereeing performances have propelled her into the top handful of female referees in the world and into the national panel here in Ireland.'
Nottingham solicitor Claire Hodnett earlier this year became England's first female referee to join the Rugby Football Union national panel.
Former Ashbourne RFC and St Mary's RFC player O'Reilly has been refereeing for less than four years.
After completing women's Six Nations duties, O'Reilly was one of just two female northern hemisphere referees chosen for the summer's Women's Rugby World Cup held in France.
If you've got a smartphone, you know what a pain in the ass it can be deciding which apps are essential and which ones are just eating up precious data. Thankfully the good people over at Rabbit's Reviews decided to ask a bunch of porn performers for some app recommendations.
Ariel Rebel
“In all the music applications I tried, Songza is really the one I prefer. The playlists chosen are great and there is so many different styles to choose from. I also like the fact that you can choose playlist by mood and activity like ‘Cry Myself to Sleep’ or ‘A Garden State of Mind’.”
Tanya Tate
Tanya is big on Viber: “Viber rocks as it means I can text my family back home in the UK and also phone chat for free. My Mum is not so good with using Skype, but with Viber she can’t go wrong you just press the button to call.”
Kelly Shibari
”Feedly is fantastic for keeping up with world news as well as topical news relevant to my needs without having to go to a bunch of different sites. It also allows me to read the articles when I have the time to read them thoroughly. It feeds from various outlets, so I don’t have to rely on one source (which can be biased). The mainstream news allows me to stay on top of what’s going on outside the “adult industry media cave,” so I can potentially also integrate current events into my clients’ outreach.”
Scarlet Red
Scarlet (sticking with the navigation-theme) also mentioned the Waze app, saying that she uses it ” every time I get into my car, I just moved to LA and “Waze” has brought me the fastest routes, as well as precautions on the road and an upcoming traffic cop stops.”