"What if we did another show about allegories. Why don't you do one about these mail bombs on the news."

You mean how conspiracy theorist are doubting the bombs are terrorism or even real at all? I think I have an idea about how to do a show about that.

Robert DeNiro? They sent a mail bomb to Robert DeNiro? That makes ME want to VOTE.

This copy you're writing is amazing, Mr. Satan. How do you know just what to say to make normal people question reality?

Oh me? I've done nothing. I'm only writing a Comedy routine to entertain the audience. I'm not powerful enough to make anyone question reality. That's the reader's responsibility to know what I'm saying is lies.

Lies...Yes, lies...hahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHA.

"Yeah, that's a good one. Because nothing makes people want to turn off the television and leave the house to vote more then hearing about terrorist attacks."