Porn star Kendra Lust has declared her intention to pin Sunny.
It was revealed earlier this week that Vivid Entertainment had contacted Sunny about shooting a porno, and now WWE mega-fan Lust is trying to get a role in it.
“How about @WWEHOFerSunny & myself wrestle u sexy if Thats what u wanna call it #Vivid #KendraMania #LustArmy,” the famous porn star tweeted on Thursday.
She then added “Hey @TMZ I’ll pin her #KendraMania #LustArmy #Sunny #diva #TammySytch.”
Lust is one of the biggest celebrity WWE fans out there. She regularly posts pictures with the various WWE Championships, and she was even romantically linked with John Cena a few years back. No doubt it would be a dream come true for her to actually shoot a WWE style porno with an actual WWE Diva.
As part of her campaign to make it happen, she is already retweeting fans who have said that they’d pay big money to see the match up. Sunny is yet to reply. It is thought that she is still thinking over her offer from Vivid.
One potential problem would be regarding the production company, as it is unknown if Lust would be able or willing to work with Vivid. But watch this space, perhaps Kendra Lust vs Sunny could be about to give a whole new perspective on female wrestling.
Cannes’s 3D Porn: High Heels, Tuxedoes, and Midnight Money Shots
Ever wonder what it’s like to see a penis ejaculate into your face while dressed to the nines in the South of France? Well then Gaspar Noe’s Lovemight be for you.
Despite several instances of tastefully lit fellatio, a fraught interlude with a transgender prostitute, and a 3D image of a large penis’s sperm cascading towards the audience, Gaspar Noé’sLoveproved to be the dumbest movie screened so far at Cannes—as well as the most soporific.
Critics are not immune to the allure of sexually provocative films, but it’s surely no accident that nearly every journalist I talked to afterLove’s early Thursday morning screening, shown out of competition at a midnight premiere, admitted to dozing off at some point during the film. The impact of this year’s potential succés de scandale proved closer to Ambien than Viagra. Since Noé proclaimed that he hopedLovewould “give guys erections and make girls wet,” and came withdecidedly NSFW postersof ejaculating penises, the film can only be considered an abject failure.
Instead of walkouts, Noé’s stab at an art house sex film was greeted with tepid applause as the final credits rolled.
In a preview articleinThe Telegraph, it was predicted that shocked moviegoers might storm out ofLoveduring the midnight (12:15 am, to be precise) screening. Nothing could have been further from the truth. The young, chicly dressed crowd knew what it was in for—and was definitely in the mood for raunchiness as a festive atmosphere predominated before the movie unspooled at the Grand Theatre Lumière, Cannes’s largest venue. Instead of walkouts, Noé’s stab at an art house sex film was greeted with tepid applause as the final credits rolled.
Loveopens with an overhead shot of a couple’s rather affectless mutual masturbation. We eventually realize that the sexual athletes are Murphy (Karl Glusman), an American in Paris and an aspiring filmmaker who dreams of becoming the next Stanley Kubrick, and Electra (Aomi Muyock), his sexually voracious girlfriend. Trouble starts brewing when Murphy strays from Electra and becomes involved with a woman named Omi (Klara Kristin), who proves equally energetic in the sack. For a while, the film appears to be headed towards celebrating a joyous ménage à trois that will enable Murphy, Electra, and Omi to experience perpetual sexual bliss. But Omi’s pregnancy injects a bit of reality into the equation andLove, which unfolds in a non-linear fashion consisting of interconnected flashbacks, becomes another cautionary tale about male hubris.
A scene from "Love."
Wretchedly acted (the hunky Glusman is such a bad actor that he might actually have a future in bona fide porn) and clumsily written, the film only succeeds as an exercise in bottomless narcissism. The posters of Kubrick’s2001and Pier Paolo Pasolini’sSalothat wend their way intoLove’s widescreen compositions let us know that Noé considers himself the equal of these seminal directors.
Since at least the 1970s, ambitious directors such as Bernardo Bertolucci (Last Tango in Paris), Nagisa Oshima (In The Realm of the Senses), and Lars von Trier (Nymphomaniac)have attempted to meld the conventions of the European and Asian art film with explicit erotic content. However you assess these films’ respective merits, none of them can be accused of falling prey to the cheap, ultimately juvenile gimmickry ofLove.
1. Size doesn’t matter... for flashlights that is. So always pack one. Even the little key-chain kinds are good for finding your way down a darkened hallway. Just make sure the batteries are working.
2. Check the fire-escaperoute posted on the back of your hotel door before going to sleep that night. Even better, go out and get a visual on the actual door you’ll be using in the event of an emergency. Count the doorways between yours and the exit. You may need to feel your way down a smoke-filled hallway.
3. Don’t sleep naked.Pulling on clothes in the event of a fire takes up precious time. Instead wear something comfortable that will translate to street wear should you find yourself watching the flames from the front curb with the rest of the hotel guests. Just make sure it’s not made of synthetic material. A nylon nightgown, for example, might as well be made out of plastic sacks filled with lighter fluid.
4. Before you go to sleep,make sure you have at least two things within easy reach on the nightstand; your cellphone and your room key. Your phone for obvious reasons, but your room key is necessary in case you leave your room in response to a fire alarm only to find that the fire is on your floor and blocking your way to the stairwell. In that case, you’ll need to get your ass back in your room, soak a bunch of bath towels, shove them in the door jam, call for help and hope the ladder on the fire truck reaches your floor.
5. Don’t get a room abovethe fifteenth floor. Any higher and the ladder on the fire truck won’t reach your floor.
6. Don’t panic.Panic causes people to act idiotically, like follow the crowd that is running for the elevator, for example, or charge out of the room without your key in case you need to be let back in to escape a ball of fire coming down the hallway. Instead stay calm and assess the situation.
7. Assess the situation.If there is smoke in your room, get down and crawl to your door on your hands and knees. You need to stay low because smoke rises and the breathable air will be at knee level. Touch your door with the back of your hands. You need to use the back of your hand because if the door is hot, better to burn the back of your hand than the palm of your hand, because you’ll be needing the palms of your hands to be agony free as you scale the exterior balconies to safety below.
8. If the door seems cool,don’t swing it open and barrel into the hallway. Open the door a smidge to take a peep and be poised to slam it shut again if necessary. If the hallway is flame clear, exit your room carefully and make sure you have your room key with you.
9. Don’t use the elevator.Everyone knows this, but few know why. Here’s why, the electrical system could be affected by the fire, causing the elevator to free fall or, probably worse, take you straight to the floor with the billowing inferno. The stairs are your best bet, because credible hotels have stairwells built within fire walls.
10. Be careful on the stairs:Always use the handrail. If you fall there’s a chance the panicked people behind you will trample your poor ass. When you reach the bottom floor, exit to the street and run a safe distance from the hotel. But if there is smoke in stairwell that gets more dense the further down. Immediately about face and head to the roof. Once there, try to prop the door open wide in order to clear the air in the stairwell and make it easier for others to join you. Hopefully some of them will be naked.
Much of the debate surrounding police behavior in the United States has revolved around fatal confrontations between unarmed black men and law enforcement, but a new movement wants to remind Americans that black women are also victims.
In order to do so,a new reportwas released Wednesday called ‘Say Her Name: Resisting Police Brutality Against Black Women,' which documents cases in which black women have been killed, beaten or sexually assaulted by law enforcement. The report was authored by the African American Policy Forum (AAPF), the Center for Intersectionality and Social Policy Studies at Columbia University, and Andrea Ritchie, a Soros Justice Fellow and expert on women’s experiences with police.
“Although Black women are routinely killed, raped and beaten by the police, their experiences are rarely foregrounded in popular understandings of police brutality,”said Kimberle Williams Crenshaw, Director of the African American Policy Forum and co-author of the report, in a statement.“Yet, inclusion of Black women’s experiences in social movements, media narratives and policy demands around policing and police brutality is critical to effectively combating racialized state violence for Black communities and other communities of color.”
The group is using the hashtag #SayHerName to get its message out on social media.
On Wednesday, a vigil was held at New York City’s Union Square, where dozens of people rallied, and relatives of women victimized by police brutality spoke about their experiences.
Meanwhile, a National Day of Action is planned for Thursday in numerous cities, including New York, Chicago, Detroit, Miami, and Seattle, organized by the Black Youth Project 100.
“All #BlackLivesMatter, and that means we uplift and fight for lasting justice for the families of victims of police violence,”the group statedon its website.“We’ve joined Ferguson Action and Black Lives Matter to put out a national call for actions to end state violence against All Black Women and Girls.”
Several black women have already been lost to police, according to the AAPF. In April, Alexia Christian of Atlanta was shot and killed by police inside of a patrol car. Authorities said she stole a truck and managed to free one of her hands from handcuffs before shooting at the officers inside the car, but relatives and activists question the story.
Another incident mentioned in the report concerns an Oxnard, California woman who was shot in March after local police responded to calls regarding a domestic dispute. A mother of three, 26-year-old Meagan Hockaday reportedly ran at responding officers with a knife before being shot. An investigation into the incident has been announced.
“Black women are all too often unseen in the national conversation about racial profiling, police brutality, and lethal force,”said Andrea Ritchie, who co-authored the report.“This report begins to shine a light on the ways that Black women are policed in ways that are similar to other members of our communities - whether it’s police killings, ‘stop and frisk,’ ‘broken windows policing,’ or the ‘war on drugs.’”
“It also pushes open the frame to include other forms and contexts of police violence - such as sexual assault by police, police abuse of pregnant women, profiling and abusive treatment of lesbian, bisexual, transgender and gender nonconforming Black women, and police brutality in the context of responses to violence - which bring Black women’s experiences into even sharper focus.”
An Italian porn star was planning on a different kind of football strip for her local club's promotion but has been given the boot.
Priscilla Salerno wanted to take her clothes off ON THE PITCH to commemorate Salernitana'spromotion to Serie B.
But the club's officials turned her down, much to the anger of Miss Salerno...and some of the club's fans.
Salernitana have just won to Serie B and the 30-year-old actress wanted to go full out (ahem) with a specially designed bikini showing the club's logo.
"I am angry, my striptease would have been glorious. Even my relatives were going to be there," the disappointed Priscilla has said.
"I had made up a swimsuit with the 'horse' of Salernitana, but the club said it would have been a mess and I am offended."
The fans are in agreement (well, some of them): "It was only a bit of fun. What spoilsports they are" one posted on Facebook.
And it appears Salernitana might now lose a fan as Priscilla is thinking about stripping for local rivals Napoli.
She said: "I am ready to strip off for S.S.C. Napoli."
Kansiime took a risk publishing the video last year, one which seems to not have paid off as the Ugandan state has jailed her under the anti-pornography law.
In the video, Kansiime can be seen cheekily rubbing foam over her bare buttocks and cradling her derrière in the presence of a man.
“I was aware that there are some sections of society that are conservative. I was just experimenting to see if I put on a short dress, will the audience like it?” Kansiime told AFP.
She was arrested with the producer of the video last November for five weeks and while he pleaded guilty and was let off with a fine for about R800, she pleaded not guilty and was detained. Kansiime could now face up to ten years if found guilty and convicted.
According toVoice of Africa, Uganda's minister of ethics, Simon Lokodo slammed Kansiime for being provocative. He said her video was obscene, vulgar and that nothing good came of her music.
Kansiime's lawyer Isaac Semakadde said his client's case was an argument for the right to freedom of expression.
Kansiime is out on bail and awaiting her next court appearance.