Wait! My name is Frank Finkle 3000 and I have a Conspiracy Theory.
What if television is controlling us by the POLITICS OF FEAR.
I was watching an old movie the other day it said...

"People of America, I want to talk to you today about the reason why we built Mega-Godzilla. It was because we went overboard with the POLITICS OF FEAR."
Sir, no sir! Godzilla is a racist and a monster. He must be stopped at all cost!

"That's exactly what I'm talking about, Captain Demokurat. That is what they said about Hillary-Godzilla and Obama-Godzilla. It was a fear campaign so the people in power can get away with their real agenda."
Let's see, what can I destroy next. I went to war with the media, I pissed off NATO, I didn't shake the hand of that German bitch, I did Syria, I did Afghanistan...

"Captain Demokurat, you are just a voter. Your vote in based on your information. And your information comes from the people who buys airtime. And those are the people who control the POLITICS OF FEAR."
I guess I could go off and play golf or something...

"Above all else, we should not let the rich steer us away from the real monster!"
Sir, yes sir! Then who is the real monster?

"Hello, can I speak to Frank Finkle 3000, please? This is Maury from Maury's House of Bagels."
Finkle 3000 is not scheduled to be in this blog post, Mr. Rubin.

"I know! I'm paying you good money for Frank Finkle 3000 to be in a Frank Finkle blog! Don't make me take my bagel business somewhere else."
I will see what I can do, Mr. Rubin.

"And don't you forget it."