AVN Best New Starlet nominee Scarlet Red is the new girl working as a masseuse over at MilkingTable.com. Her needy client, Marcos Banderas has virility issues and Red is eager to help the older gentleman with his troubles.
She leads him to her table so she can undress him. I love undressing a man. His scent on his clothes always gets me wet if I like the man. Red looks beautiful in sheer white lingerie with the garters running down her plump rump and accenting that nice ass so well.
I love how she briefly rubs his torso down with oil before she gets to work on that fat dick of his. She spits down that cock, rubbing and sucking it. She gives a lot of great hand action along with that excellent oral. Under the table,
Red is all about milking that dick and balls into her mouth. She goes balls deep on his mouth with her pretty pussy peeking out of the side of those white, lacy panties. Red rubs her pussy while she services the poor, hard Banderas. Red is such a pretty masseuse.
Ela Darling is just so fucking cool. She's a former librarian, she is all about Dungeons and Dragons, and she serves as the elected secretary of the Adult Performers Association Committee, an advocacy group for porn performers. She is also one of Fleshbot's Top Ten Crush Objects of 2014. Her scenes are most definitely wonderful and I dig her DVD/VOD work and herwebsite immensely. Here are her answers to twenty questions.
1.) What kind of girl were you back in high school? Who did you hang out with/date?
I asked my high school acquaintances on Facebook to help me answer this. A lot of people mentioned that I was goth and carried a lunch box for a purse (you guys, I was SO FUCKING GOTH I even smoked black cigarettes). I was perceived as kind, smart, quiet, mysterious, intimidating, bookish, warm and friendly, intriguing, and confident (that one boggles my mind). I used to campaign for women’s rights through Amnesty International while wearing inappropriate t-shirts, which sounds about on par with my work with APAC these days.
I dated a sweet boy who was kind of hardcore with tattoos at 16. I also dated a boy who became super-goth after he started fucking me. I also dated a girl for several years who eventually joined the military and had a family. She said, “ You really didn’t care what others thought about something if you liked it, lol. That is why I loved you and still do.” So yeah, straight from the horses’ mouths.
2.) Were you a porn fan before you got into the industry? Who were your favorite porn stars/favorite porn movies?
I was such a little slut-shamey judgemental douchefuck before I got into the industry actually. I didn’t understand porn so I felt uncomfortable with it. Once I decided to remedy my ignorance (which so often leads to intolerance) I liked it a lot more but by then I was beyond fandom. I appreciate the opportunity to enter the industry without placing my peers on a pedestal though.
3.) What do you think shaped you into the performer that you are known for being?
I asked my fans on Twitter what kind of performer I’m known for being (I’m totally crowdsourcing this interview) and the key words I’m seeing are: deep, sensual, passionate, kinky, erotic, versatile, multidimensional, enthusiastic, and nerdy.
I would say that the sensuality, passion, eroticism, and enthusiasm all stem from a genuine love for sex tag-teamed with my narcissistic dedication to trying to look as attractive as possible in the process. Most of my oeuvre is girl/girl still, and my passion for pussy must certainly shine through in my work. Those “deep, multidimensional, and nerdy” traits were shaped by being a total fucking nerd and collecting degrees at a young age. It’s hard to keep the nerdiness at bay even when I’m fucking I guess.
4.) What/Who do you want to do on-camera that you haven’t done yet?
I’m hoping to start doing anal in 2015. 2015 is the year of my butt and exciting things plunging into it.
I want to do a b/g/g with my roommate Annie Cruz if she will consider taking a break from her break for me. (She just told me “FUCK YES!” so hey, if you’re the kind of person who is in charge of that kind of thing, maybe let us fuck together?) I want to be fisted on camera, which actually Annie could do because she’s the first person who ever fisted me. Aww, we’re such a romantic pair.
I want to have an artfully constructed gangbang also. Something pretty with lots of pretty dicks. Maybe I’ll do it in my wedding dress when my divorce is final.
5.) Who is your favorite male performer/female performer to work with and why?
This is such a fucking unfair question and I know you guys know it. (I'm not a guy.--HK) I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the sky than choose a favorite star who’s been in my pussy. Sinn Sage ranks up there for the ladies. She’s one of my best friends and one of my favorite performers. Violet Monroe is one of my favorite ladies to hang out with and work with now so we have great fucks. I adore Sovereign Syre. I think my favorite performers are the ones I’m friends with outside of porn, so when we shoot together we connect on a deeper, more playful and permissive level than we would with a new person.
The same goes with male performers. The most fun I’ve had thus far has been with male performers that I met in my 4.5 year girl/girl stint. I love fucking Marcus London because he makes me feel like a squirting princess. Richie Calhoun, Wolf Hudson, and Anthony Rosano stand out because they were my friends who gave me great fuckings. Friendship makes fucking so spectacular. Five stars for friendship.
6.) You seem to really love your fans and you talk to them a lot on Twitter. Tell me how having this fan base has changed your life.
The people who gravitate towards me tend to be very nerdy, quirky, and kind. 2014 was one of the most difficult years of my life and the support of my fans really made a huge difference. People went out of their way to lend me their support and love and really make me remember to stay positive. One of my fans bought me a bed because I didn’t have one when I moved in with my roommate. Another fan/friend bought me a new MacBook to help me move forward with the VR porn company I’m starting up with some friends. He also gave me a small library of LSAT prep books because he knows I want to go to law school in a few years. Another fan sends me Harry Potter memes for days when I’m sick or sad. I really have amazing people in my life as a result of porn and I’m so grateful.
7.) What’s your favorite position to get fucked in and why does it get you off?
I love doggy because it allows for hair pulling, ass slapping, and choking all at the same time. It makes me scream like a feral animal and I love it. The older I get, the more I thrill in being dirty and kinky and viscerally sexual. Teenage me would be so embarrassed of me. I guess that’s how I know I’m doing it right.
8.) How did you get into porn?
I was a librarian with way too much free time on my hands. I was doing the work I wanted to do for the rest of my life but I didn't want the rest of my life to start when I was 22. I earned my master’s degree when I was 21. I took a ridiculously heavy course load while working multiple jobs, I quickly became the Associate Director of a small library in Massachusetts but I had so much more free time with only one job and no classes. So I started checking out gigs on Craigslist and found a girl-next-door fully clothed bondage and I gave it a shot on a whim. I didn’t expect to love it as much as I did. The people I worked with were kind and professional and I made more in an hour than I made in a day at the library. After that I was excited to explore further and about three months later I moved to LA to do porn full time.
9.) What does your average working day look like?
Wake up to my alarm. Smoke a little weed and jerk off while reading or browsing Facebook and reddit for half an hour. Shower, walk my dog, do my makeup and hair (if it isn’t provided on set), review the shoot info from my agent to make sure I’ve packed any specifically requested shoes or wardrobe, then head to set. I try to give myself enough time to go to Starbucks near set so even if I’m running late, I’m still on time (if undercaffeinated) for my shoot.
I show up on set with two suitcases and bags of shoes and shoot the shit with whomever I know on set, if it’s a good day or try to make friends if it’s a day with a lot of new people. At this point I usually know at least one person on set. I read or browse Facebook and Twitter while waiting to get my make-up done or waiting to shoot my stills or waiting to shoot my scene or waiting for the goddamned second coming of Christ, is what it feels like sometimes. So much waiting. I also tend to have a charmed moment where I remind myself that a lot of people are in cubicles right now and I’m in a beautiful place with beautiful, liberated people, and things are pretty fucking grand. If I’m really bored, I’ll smoke a cigarette about it.
I sometimes jerk off in my car on the way home from set, depending on how miserable traffic is. I walk my dog again when I get home, then grab my computer and head to my favorite bar nearby to do work, answer emails, and have a beer and tacos.
10.) What are your interests and passions outside of porn?
I’m the secretary of the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee, which is something I’m very passionate about. That’s kind of porn-related but it feels more political than pornographic.
My friend Sovereign Syre and I are preparing to launch a new history show on YouTube soon called Boss Bitches of History which we created, wrote, and hosted.
I love to read. If I spend too much time between books, I feel like there’s a chaotic anxiety erupting in my chest. There are a few comic series that I read religiously like Sex Criminals by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky.
I like to play Dungeons and Dragons with some other porn friends (Zak Smith, Mandy Morbid,Charlotte Stokely, and a few other friends) in my neighborhood.
I love going to nerd conventions like San Diego Comic Con, E3, LeakyCon (GeekyCon now I guess), and Comikaze. I actually spoke on a panel at AVN about cosplay. I cosplay as Batgirl, Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and soon I will be cross-playing at Link from Zelda.
I like to shoot guns also. I call the LA Gun Club my therapist’s office. That’s probably the Texas girl deep in my heart.
11.) What titles of yours are “must-owns” for your fans?
Anything by Juicy Pink Box is a must-own. I’m one of their main stars and I’m Jincey’s (the company founder) muse. She is my fairy porn mother.
12.) Who are your role models in porn and how/why do they inspire you?
Nina Hartley is my porn Patronus (Harry Potter geek joke alert). I love her. She is a brilliant woman, an activist, an incredible performer, a caring soul, a loving and considerate partner, and an all around fantastic human being.
Jincey Lumpkin, my Fairy Porn Mother, is a lawyer, a porn producer, a published writer, and now working on writing books. She inspires me deeply.
I find the writing of Conner Habib, the VP of APAC very motivating and inspirational.
13.) How long do you plan on working in porn and what would you like to do afterwards?
I'm a lifer at this point. Once I retire from performing I hope to continue working in porn production, hopefully with my virtual reality porn company called VRtube.xxx, and once our VR baby is off the ground I would like to take the LSAT. I think I would like to collect another degree or two, either a law degree or continue on to a doctoral degree in Psychology. Ultimately, I want to continue to work with the sex worker and porn population no matter what I do.
14.) How has making the leap to boy/girl scenes been?
It’s been a dream and a fucking half, man. I’d say that about 60% of the men I’ve worked with on camera have been men I was already friends or acquainted with. I love it, I have a great time, I have a lot of orgasms, I have a much wider breadth of work opportunity, and I am so much more self-sufficient and capable than I ever dreamed I would be when I first made the choice to venture over to the penis side of porn.
15.) What is the best mainstream movie you have seen recently?
I guess it’s a cross between Titanic and Star Wars: Episode 1. Lol, jk, I mostly read. I suck at seeing new movies. I saw The Interview at the Alamo Draft House in Austin, TX and it was fun because it was a big event and there were American flags at every table. It had its issues but it was a fun flick, especially with all the hubbub surrounding it.
16.) How about the best porno movie? Is there someone whose movies you like to watch who is working now?
It’s really hard for me to watch porn recreationally. I get into game mode and I think in terms of what the girls must have been thinking/experiencing, or I get too excited about my friends whom I see on camera and it’s just not sexy. I’m just not a big porn watcher in my free time, I guess.
17.) Are you into toys to get yourself off alone or are you a low-tech woman?
I am a HUGE fan of Njoy butt plugs. HUGE. I love them. I love the company, I love the creator, I love their staff, and more than anything I love their products. They don’t pay me to say that, they’re just goddamned wonderful. Other than that I’m mostly a finger-driven lady.
18.) If you could fuck any celebrity, who would it be? Give us your male and female choices.
I am launching a new VR Porn website in the next few months. You can check out some older demos on previous tech at our site VRtube.xxx. I’m also launching Boss Bitches of History onYouTube through a channel called Wisecrack hopefully around Valentine’s day.
20.) Is there anything you want to say to your fans here?
Thank you and I love you. Let's watch nerdy fucking porn together and geek-out in public. Please love my Virtual Reality porn company forever. And please support your local library. If you show me your library card at AVN, I’ll show you my tits. That’s a long standing offer and it holds for 2015 and any other year I attend.
As if you haven't heard, the whole "Free The Nipple" movement thing is a really big deal. By that, I mean that women everywhere are feeling provoked to let their nipples run free and proclaim that it's for the greater good of mankind! Now that wasn't meant to sound offensive, I am in complete support of getting to see a whole bunch of nipples. This time around, we get to thank Schön Magazine for showing their support via one incredibly hot photo spread!
The models in this spread aren't too widely known; however, there's a good chance that after showing their bare breasted support they aren't going to have a problem with getting their name out there. But in all seriousness, regardless of how fucking hot these photos are they were taken by Schön in support of an equality movement. All I've got to say is that this may very well be the hottest equality movement I've ever witnessed.
Let this be a reminder to women everywhere that your boobs as well as your nipples deserve to be appreciated and not ostracized. So why not rip off your shirts and burn all of your bras? The time is now to take a stand and show the world everything that you've got to offer!
Freedom of expression in France is at the forefront of everyone's minds lately, and it apparently seemed like a good time for someone to call attention to this mural that was created 14 years ago. The mural depicts Superman, The Flash, Batman, and even Supergirl having their way with Wonder Woman. I'm most intrigued by the fact that Superman and The Flash have nearly identical equipment.
According to Vice (link below), the speech bubbles seen on the picture above were added to the photo when it was published by a Facebook group calling themselves Les médecins ne sont pas des pigeons ("Doctors aren't dupes"), and were not in fact part of the original mural, which adorned a wall of a hospital in Clermont-Ferrand.
These speech bubbles... read, "Take it deep," "Take that health reform," and "You should inform yourself a bit better!" They're thought to be intended as an attack on the reforms proposed by the French Health Minister Marisol Touraine last November. Those reforms—which proposed to clamp down on doctors charging over the odds for consultations by outsourcing the payment to health insurance companies—were rejected by the French National Medical Council (CNOM) on the grounds that they "didn't answer the needs of doctors on the ground, and of the patients."
No matter the mural's original intent, which like all great art was never discussed by the artist(s), the speech bubbles added to it certainly gave it a connotation of gang rape rather than gang bang, which all fans of porn know is an important distinction. There is no indication, however, that this is a depiction of rape, and frankly, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves too much to call this anything but a gangbang. Of course, in this particular context with the added speech bubbles, it raised the ire of a particularly vocal group of French feminists.
The French feminist association Osez le Féminisme ("Dare Feminism") was quick to react to the Facebook post, publishing an article on its website asking for the fresco to be erased and for measures to be taken against the authors. The post also called the mural "misogynistic" and said that it wrongly used "rape as a means of showing discontent towards a Minister and her law." It warned that such representations could "eroticize extreme violence" and contribute to building a "degrading image of women."
Right, because taking down the mural now instantly erases all images of it from the internet forever. That's how things work. Have no fear, though, because the hospital is obviously going to stand their ground on this.
The post was painted over early on Monday and Clermont-Ferrand announced it had decided to "erase the wall painting" and take "disciplinary, or even judiciary action against the presumed authors for their unacceptable behavior."
You know what I don't like about comic book heroes is the message they send and we don't even realize it. Ok, you think I'm talking bullcrap now?
That's because you love Superman, you love Batman, you love Wonder-Woman. And know you why? Because, you love to hate something simple.
Some people in America have the "Batman complex" and try to save something that may not even exist. Ok, first of all, Batman doesn't leave Gotham...that's what old men who doesn't want to go anywhere does. He could fight crime all over the world, but he doesn't give a f*ck.
Batman stayed in Gotham so long, that other cities in America had to get their own super heroes.
And another thing, let's say what mostly men are thinking when they have the "Batman Complex", they want to be the rich guy who puts on a pretty little outfit and drive around town punching poor people in the face.
That's exactly what costumed douchebags are doing in the comic books.
Wonder Woman was raised on an island full of women and there was no war. But, she got on her invisible plane 'cause she heard you can punch poor people in the face and she never went back.
Aquaman lives in the bottom of the sea, every now and then, he comes up from the ocean to punch poor people in the face.
Spider-man is alright. He's middle class, he works a middle class job, he has a middle class girlfriend, and goes around punching poor people in the face. But, he does it 'cause "with great power, comes great responsibility". Now see, right there the comic book is telling you Spider-Man has a responsibility to punch poor people in the face.
Punisher is the same as Batman. You know he's rich 'cause how else can a Vietnam vet with PTSD travel around everywhere with guns, grenades, and missile launchers without a job to pay for all that sh*t.
So, his family is killed in front of him. And the only way to set things straight in his mind is to punch poor people in the face.
Let's come to the fact that comic book writers don't see a world where fighting crime happens on a primary level. Punisher fights the drug dealer, the drug distributor, the drug cartel, but he's not going to help Colombia build infrastructure between intercontinental trade and combat disease and ethnic strife with non-English speaking civilians...No! That's too much work! Americans don't want to do something complicated.
So, what Punisher does is say "Hey, tell me where Carlos is?".
And we all know what he's going to do to Carlos....he's going to get punched in the face.
Charlotte Crosby has landed the fastest-selling fitness DVD of all time.
The Geordie Shore star's 3 Minute belly Blitz, sold a whopping 101,000 copies in the previous four weeks, beating the likes of previous title holder Dirty Dancing's Official Dance Workout which sold 77,000 copies in the same time period in 2008.
Charlotte told OfficialCharts.com: "I'm absolutely thrilled - when I was fat and miserable a year ago I couldn't have imagined I'd end up with a new body and a record-breaking DVD!! Incredible!"
Charlotte previously celebrated topping the DVD charts on a visit to the MEN offices and her reaction was priceless.
When news came in that her fat loss video, which she credits with helping her lose two and a half stone and slimming from a size 16 to a size 6-8, has shot to number one in the charts, she screamed for joy.
She screamed: "I’ve beaten everyone! I’ve beaten Harry Potter and Game of Thrones. I’m just amazed."
Charlotte, 24, started her new get-fit regime six months ago after seeing unflattering photos of herself in a bikini on her holidays.
She says she’s not crash dieted, but steadily lost weight by eating sensibly, and getting into exercise for the first time in her life.
Wearing a bright yellow bandage dress and white heels that showed off her slim new look, Charlotte told us her healthier lifestyle has made her the happiest she’s ever been.
Charlotte said: “I didn’t do any fad diet, it was sensible eating and exercising four times a week, I believe in everything in moderation, so I didn’t cut anything out of my diet. The exercise for me has been key to getting into shape.
“The results and the way I now feel has made it all so worthwhile. I feel like my whole life has benefitted.”
The reality TV show favourite has confirmed she will “never” leave Geordie Shore while MTV continue to film it, despite her co-star and pal Vicky Pattison recently quitting the show.
Vicky was top of the DVD fitness charts last year with her shape-up DVD, so how does she feel about Charlotte taking over her crown?
Charlotte says: “She rang me to congratulate me on doing so well which was really nice of her.”
Charlotte has been taking the image of her bigger self all around the country as she promotes her DVD, and she says it’s a constant reminder of how far she has come.
She says: “When I looked like that I could never have believed that now I’d be sitting here with a number one DVD that’s sold more than Frozen this week! It’s incredible.”
Fashion models have caused a bit of stir on the front row of a Paris catwalk by flashing their PENISES.
The unusual style was exposed by controversial designer Rick Owens as part of his Autumn/Winter 2015-2016 menswear collection.
Several of the models strutted their stuff on the Paris runway wearing dress-like outfits which had strategically cut-out fabric revealing a peep show of their 'crown jewels'.
But whether this fashion trend will be adopted by British men remains to be seen.
In a week where there has been lots of debate about sex and censorship, some ladies have labelled it 'gender equality' and have started tweeting with the hashtag: #freethepenis.
Hanging out: This model's outfit ub Rick Owens Menswear Fall/Winter 2015-2016 show leaves little to the imagination Susie Bubble, of Dazed magazine was at the show and told the publication: "I liked that you hardly noticed it. It wasn't nudity for the sake of nudity. "I honestly didn't see until somebody pointed out the d**k flaps and the undie holes."
Rick Owens loves courting controversy and previous shows have used sex as a subject matter, as fashion blogger Hayley North points out.