I'm Frank Finkle and this is my Conspiracy Theory.
Is STUDENT LOAN DEBT a form of slavery?
My guest today is Dr. Thompson from the Good Burger restaurant next to Muary's House of Bagels.
Thank you for coming Dr. Thompson.
It's an honor to be here on your blog, Frank.
So, what are your credentials, by the way?
I have a degree in Physics for MIT, a Masters' at Yale in Engineering, an undergrad from...
Hey, do you have those Chicken Bacon burgers here?
Yes...an undergrad from..
Does it come with a milk shake or a soda?
A medium soda and an apple pie...my undergrad from...
So, what if I want a lemon pie? Can I get a lemon pie?
We only have apple!
Ok, Ok, I'll have the apple pie and a Chicken Bacon burger with a diet Pepsi.
Diet Pepsi, huh? Why not get a regular Pepsi?
Whoa! That's living on the edge there Doctor. All that sugar will kill 'ya. Well, I don't need to tell you. You're a doctor.
Of Rocket Science, Frank!
So, can you make a burger in space?
What?...Ah, no...no...heat doesn't rise in zero gravity and limited air. The raw meat alone would produce germs due to the thin recycled air and infect humans with unknown types of viruses. Space is more of a Slim Jim and Capri-Sun atmosphere.
Well, you heard here first everybody. If you stay in school, and make good grades, YOU TOO can know all sorts of smart stuff like that working a minimum wage job at Good Burger.
I was wrong...we have lemon. But, you can't have any....jerk.