I'm Frank Finkle and this is my Conspiracy Theory.
Is BIG PEANUT responsible for the Zika Virus in Brazil?
My guest today is star of screen, stage, and film...Peter Pan
Hi, everybody!

Mr Pan, can I call you peter?
I'd love it!

Thank you, Peter. Is your company responsible for cooking up a virus in a lab in order to steal Brazilian nuts?
Don't answer him Peter.

Hey, is that Tinkerbell?
He's asking too many questions, Peter. You're going to have to kill him like you did all the others.

Wait, I didn't ask but one question.

One question, huh? The CIA doesn't have to answer your questions, Finkle.

The CIA? Is the CIA behind the Zika Virus?
You're askin' for it, Finkle!

No, no, wait..if I stop this blog right now, can you answer if I'm in any danger?

The CIA doesn't harm it's citizens, Finkle...and you can't prove that we did.

So I'm safe?

Do you have a peanut allergy?


Hmm, wanna keep it that way?

Now get to your commercial, Finkle.

This blog was brought to you by Maury's House of Bagels. When you think Maury...think bagels.
Don't ask Peter Pan any more questions, Finkle.