"Hey listen, have 'ya done a show about those Self Driving Cars, yet?"

No. What about them?
"The thing of it is, a day is gonna come when that car is going to make a life or death decision."

Wait a minute, we're talking about a car, right?

"Yeah, let me tell 'ya. The car is driving down the street. All of a sudden a child runs out in front of the car. Behind you is a 18 wheel truck."

Ok, I'm listening.

"A: Does the car stop to save the child and the 18 wheel truck kills you when it hits.
B: Does the car keep going a kills the child.
Either way, your SELF DRIVING CAR will decide who lives or who dies."

I'm sure they programmed the car for something like that.

"Oh yeah, do they make those cars with a lucky rabbit's foot in them, too? I mean, as long as you believe in the supernatural and all."