Saturday, December 17, 2016

"Conspiracy Theory" with Frank Finkle (DILMA ROUSSEFF)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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I'm Frank Finkle and this is my Conspiracy Theory.
Was America to blame for the Brazil coup d'etat of DILMA ROUSSEFF?
My guest today is the star of Warner Brothers movies, Elmer Fudd.

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"I'm going to war with a government!"

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What is Sedric talking about now?

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What? But, how are you going to do that?

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"First thing I'm going to do is get a bunch of people to help me. So, what I'm going to have to do is talk to them the best way I know how."

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This is going to be good.

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How's that?

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"The television and print media. See, we work at Goldman Saks, and what we did was call the 5 millionaires who own the majority of the media in Brazil and tell them to frame the president for a doesn't matter what kind."

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So, you're doing it for the American government?

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"No, why should the government care about some South American country that no politician can point to on a map?"
"It was us the whole time."

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But, why are you going to war with Brazil?

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"Do you know how much money our company can make with private industry in a building economy?"

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But, what if a Brazilian doesn't want to help you?

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"We're Goldman Saks, it's not like they have a choice. What are they going to do, come to our bank and start shooting up the place?"

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I should click like on this one....Nah, I better not. Sedric doesn't need any more attention.

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Well, thanks for coming to the show, Mr Fudd.
As always, visit Maury's House Of Bagels. When you think bagals, think Maury's bagels.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

"Conspiracy Theory" with Daffy Duck (RUSSIAN HACKING)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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Hello, on the show today, we're going to talk bout a Conspiracy Theory that many people have been talking about on the internet.
Did the Russians steal the 2016 American presidential election.
On my show today is stars of film and screen, Boris and Natasha.

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I'm going to come right out and say it, did you steal the 2016 presidential election?

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"How could we possibly do that? Your process of voting is remarkable and foolproof. It's not like you have voting machines with computers."

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Well, actually we do have computer voting machines.

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"Well, I'm sure you have unbiased people looking after those machines to make sure nobody tampers with them."

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Well, actually the biased person sits alone in a room where anybody could get to them.

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"But, I'm sure you have candidates that everyone can agree with and incredibly popular?"

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Well. actually a lot of people had a problem with both candidates.

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"Yesss, maybe I answered your question better then I could have, hmm?"

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How's that?

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"Your presidential election wasn't stolen after all...YOU GAVE IT AWAY."

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"Don't strain yourself. The words will come out eventually."

Stylo G - "Yu Zimme"

*PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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Stylo G has released a new video entilted, ‘Yu Zimme’.

Mercston ft. Aliga - "Work"

*PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
Image result for Mercston ft. Aliga - Work
Ads by Kiosked
Mercston releases a new video entilted, ‘Work’, with Aliga.
Image result for Mercston ft. Aliga - Work

Jeremih - "London" ft. Stefflon Don, Krept & Konan

*PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
Image result for Jeremih - London ft. Stefflon Don, Krept & Konan


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Jeremih, Krept & Konan and Stefflon Don release a new ‘London’ video.
Image result for Jeremih - London ft. Stefflon Don, Krept & Konan