"Solace of Information, can you give me all you have on the Russians and Trump?"
Today he wrote on Twitter about how Obama had the Trump Tower had it's phones wiretapped.

"That's crazy! No president has the power to give such an order."
Is...is that it?...Is that all you have to say?
"Oh yeah, he's lying isn't he?"
It's just about that, my son. Let's say you robbed a bank and the bank has you on video tape robbing the bank...

Well, the topic isn't how the bank has NO RIGHT to video tape you without your consent. The topic is that YOU robbed the BANK.

"Yeah so?"
If the FBI wiretapped Trump's phone, it's because they were trying to record the link he has with the Russians.
"Oh, we're still talking about the Russians even though I thought we wasn't talking about the Russians anymore."
Now go forth with this information. Your questions are your answers and your answer will be your question.

Your questions will be your answers?
What kind of nonsense writing is this, Gladys?
How do you expect us to sell Maury's bagels with writing like that?