Saturday, September 3, 2016

"Conspiracy Theory" with the (Stepford Wives Paradox)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
Image result for stepford wives 1975
I've just heard the weirdest Conspiracy Theory.
Do you think we're all part of the Stepford Wives Paradox?

Image result for stepford wives 1975
"What on Earth on you talking about, Margaret?"

Image result for stepford wives 1975
Are we in this feminist small town with our husbands hiding from the world filled with prejudices and fears and then if anybody wants to enter Stepford they're forced out because of our prejudice and fears?

Image result for stepford wives 1975
"Is this about the interracial couple we killed the other day?

Image result for stepford wives 1975
No, it wasn't that one.

Image result for stepford wives 1975
"Was it the Jewish couple we murdered last year?"

Image result for stepford wives 1975
No, it wasn't that one.

Image result for stepford wives 1975
"Was it the Mexican couple we keep in the basement?"

Image result for stepford wives 1975
No, Maria makes her meatloaf the way I like. I mean, we love our husbands, but want them all to be a completely different person.

Image result for stepford wives 1975
"Oh that, well men are all beast who need to see the error of their violent ways."

Image result for stepford wives 1975
Yes, they are horribly violent human beings, but...I don't know...we killed all those other couples to keep the town White and Protestant.

Image result for stepford wives 1975
"Margaret?'re not one of those Catholics are you?...You know what we do to Catholics in Stepford."

Image result for stepford wives 1975
Yes. Forget I said anything.

Image result for stepford wives 1975
"You better tell Maria to make room for you in the basement, Margaret."

Image result for stepford wives 1975
I'll have the meatloaf with potato salad, Margaret.

Friday, September 2, 2016

"Conspiracy Theory" with Frank Finkle (Male Identity)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
Image result for joe flaherty sctv
I think it's time for our 1:30 meeting.

Image result for joe flaherty sctv
Listen, I want to talk to you about your job around here on Conspiracy Theory.
Is your male identity based on your JOB?

Image result for pennywise
"Why do you say that?"

Image result for joe flaherty sctv
Well, I notice you don't take the make up off at the end of the sketch.

Image result for pennywise
"Is somebody complaining? Was is Susan?"

Image result for joe flaherty sctv
No. I just think this blog might be mentally disturbing to you if it was taken away.

Image result for pennywise
"Taken away?"

Image result for joe flaherty sctv
Yes, maybe you should have some time off for awhile, so you can rediscover your own perspective and place in the world.

Image result for pennywise
"Are you firing me?"

Image result for joe flaherty sctv
No. I wouldn't say don't have any guns do 'ya?....anyway, you're not fired. Ok...good.

Image result for joe flaherty sctv
Now, let's have that 2 o'clock we scheduled for today.

Image result for joe flaherty sctv
Hey, buddy! Love seeing you!

Image result for krusty the clown
This isn't about being on your stupid blog show is it?

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

"Conspiracy Theory" with HEMLOCK GROVE (Japan Pop Culture)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
Image result for clown
You know what gives a clown nightmares, deary?...Conspiracy Theory.
Like the question, is POP CULTURE the reason why marriage and birth rates are down in Japan.
To talk about this interesting Conspiracy Theory is a star of his own films for 60 years now, the man himself, Godzilla!

Image result for godzilla
Arigato, Arigato.

Image result for clown
Now, Godzy. Can you tell me why there's so many cartoons and television shows that gives men a distorted image of women in Japan, deary?

Image result for godzilla
Ahhhh, do you mean the mini skirts or the bland submissive drama characters?

Image result for clown
How about the music groups, don't forget those.

Image result for godzilla
Ahhhhhhh Yes, I forgot the music. School girls dancing in a music video with perfect form, yes?

Image result for clown
I'm glad you said that word...perfect.
Is Japanese pop culture giving men a image of perfection of women that no real woman can compete with and in turn they stop talking to real women and revert to the imaginary ones?
Image result for godzilla
Ahhhhh It sounds like you've given this topic a lot of thought, clown.

Image result for clown
Not really, I'm just making up most of it.

Image result for godzilla
Ahhhh, I see. Have you ever been to ahhhh Japan?
Image result for clown

Image result for godzilla
Ahhhh, Japan is different then the west. We have our ahhhhhh ways of doing things.
Image result for clown
You mean, the women at Burger King showing you pictures of vaginas?

Image result for godzilla
Ahhhhhhh I can explain that.
Image result for clown
What about the woman who made a sculpture of her vagina and showed it in the park?

Image result for godzilla
Ahhhhh I can explain that.
Image result for clown
What about the 70 year old man who's famous for doing porn movies?

Image result for godzilla
Who Yoshi? Ahhhhhh!

Image result for clown
Look, what can America do to help improve Japan's low birth rate?

Image result for godzilla
Well...Yoshi needs more ahhhhh coco butter. And throw in some of those Beyonce' videos. Yoshi ahhhhh likes those. Ahhhhh, yeah.

Image result for clown
I'll get right on it...not Yoshi, of course....but the coco butter.
Image result for godzilla
Haha, a porn joke. Nice.

Image result for joe flaherty sctv
I don't get why they put so many "Ahhhh's" in this sketch. Who's writing these shows, a 12 year old how's afraid of clowns? I hate that Hemlock guy.