I've just heard the weirdest Conspiracy Theory.
Do you think we're all part of the Stepford Wives Paradox?

"What on Earth on you talking about, Margaret?"
Are we in this feminist small town with our husbands hiding from the world filled with prejudices and fears and then if anybody wants to enter Stepford they're forced out because of our prejudice and fears?

"Is this about the interracial couple we killed the other day?
No, it wasn't that one.
"Was it the Jewish couple we murdered last year?"
No, it wasn't that one.

"Was it the Mexican couple we keep in the basement?"
No, Maria makes her meatloaf the way I like. I mean, we love our husbands, but want them all to be a completely different person.

"Oh that, well men are all beast who need to see the error of their violent ways."
Yes, they are horribly violent human beings, but...I don't know...we killed all those other couples to keep the town White and Protestant.

"Margaret?...you're not one of those Catholics are you?...You know what we do to Catholics in Stepford."
Yes. Forget I said anything.

"You better tell Maria to make room for you in the basement, Margaret."
I'll have the meatloaf with potato salad, Margaret.