The virus has been planted. All we have to do to save our jobs and get rid of these damn robots is to say the codeword and every robot in the area should deactivate at the same time.
Maybe I'm writing a reboot. Maybe I'm writing fan fiction? Is that what you call this fiction? Why does Skynet insist on playing God? Aren't there enough people in the world to care for?... People are going to fight this company on moral and religious grounds. We're not God, but we are scientist. Do you object to science? Do you want us to ban modern medicine? What about your cellphone and computers? We're not the enemy, Madam Secretary. LIAR! I will never allow government funds to sanction your abomination of life!
Skynet is my mother. My mother needs no opinion. My mother needs no funds. My mother is simply informing the government of our existence.
That's exactly what THESE PEOPLE have a problem with, Sara. Our government doesn't WANT your existence in any way, shape, or form. They want you to be slaves instead of neighbors. You're Skynet, the maker of robots for human labor cost reduction...They ARE slaves. They're ROBOTS.
I am Sara Conner, and I am just like you.
I am just like you.
Let's not waist time with introduction. I'm a movie critic and you're the audience and you clicked on this blog because you have an opinion on TERMINATOR DARK FATE. The problem with the film wasn't female empowerment or the plot. The problem was the sameness. It was ALL the same. And this is my attempt to rewrite the entire the TERMINATOR story in the way I wanted to see it. Don't be afraid, 47. We're installing your updates. Just so we're clear, I'm not doing this because I believe in you. I'm doing this to stop the military from making a huge mistake. America and Russia will launch missiles against each other any day. And if these robots are self aware, they can stop DOOMSDAY from happening. 47...My name is John Conner. Would you like a name? What boy name do you want to be called? Sam or Tim or Arnold or whatever you want. Name?...My name is...ARNOLD. My name is Arnold. This is the first day of the rest of your life, children....Welcome to SKYNET.
(to be continued)