Maybe I'm writing a reboot. Maybe I'm writing fan fiction? Is that what you call this fiction?

Why does Skynet insist on playing God? Aren't there enough people in the world to care for?... People are going to fight this company on moral and religious grounds.

We're not God, but we are scientist. Do you object to science? Do you want us to ban modern medicine? What about your cellphone and computers?
We're not the enemy, Madam Secretary.

LIAR! I will never allow government funds to sanction your abomination of life!

Skynet is my mother. My mother needs no opinion. My mother needs no funds. My mother is simply informing the government of our existence.

That's exactly what THESE PEOPLE have a problem with, Sara. Our government doesn't WANT your existence in any way, shape, or form. They want you to be slaves instead of neighbors.

You're Skynet, the maker of robots for human labor cost reduction...They ARE slaves. They're ROBOTS.

I am Sara Conner, and I am just like you.
I am just like you.
(to be continued)
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