“The only times we ever broke up were when I was relapsing, whether it was drugs or in a bad place and rebelling against everybody, not just him,” Demi says of Valderrama in her Cosmopolitan interview. “People say that relapses happen before you use. Your mind starts setting up the relapse before you take that drink or that first hit. The times we’d broken up, I had already gone to that place of, Yeah, this is what’s happening. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I just wanted to sabotage everything around me so that I could sabotage myself.”
When discussing her music — Lovato has released four albums since 2008, and has a new one on the way — Demi says what sets her apart is her badass attitude.
“There are a lot of girls in pop,” she tells Cosmo. “They have badass lyrics, but I feel like I’m the only person other than Rihanna and Nicki Minaj who isn’t afraid to say, ‘Try something on me and I’ll fucking beat your ass.’ There are people who can dress up and play the part, but their music doesn’t say it.”
See photos
from Demi’s upcoming spread in Cosmo above.
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