My name is Lou Finkle...and THIS is Conspiracy Theory
CHEM TRAILS: Is the government making us listen to Elton John music.
Now, I talked to my wife and she says "Lou, Elton John is a talented man. Why would the government try to make us do that?" and I told her to go make me sandwich and leave me alone. I know what they're doing.
You only THINK he's talented, because that's what THEY want you to think. The guy wore a duck outfit on stage!

You see, how they're doing it is getting crop duster helicopters and then they spray the clouds with elephant urine. As you all know, elephant urine is the keep ingredient for mind control. The government experimented with it during World War 2 to defeat the Nazis.
History books don't put it in there, because the books are written by the government. Of course, THEY aren't going to tell you about elephant urine.
Now, the plan is bigger than you know. It's not just to accept alternative lifestyles or men in stupid clothes. No!
The plan is the British overthrow!...think about it.
The Beatles, Rod Stewart, Oasis, Rita you know anyone who OWNS a Rita Ora album? You don't do 'ya. But, she's part of the Pop culture. And that's how easy it is. When you take over Pop culture, the next step is Nuclear secrets. Next thing you know there's a Limey in the White House!

Those sneaky bastards!
So. for the sake of everything American, watch out for elephant urine!
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