Is this thing on? How do you work this crap, anyway?...Wait, I think I got it. I'm hitting this button that says broadcast.

Hurry it up! We want to do this review of the worst comic book movie to ever be made by Sony pictures, Wes Craven, and DC Comics...SWAMP THING.
How can you make a movie so bad that all other bad ideas come from this ONE movie alone? And they knew it was bad back in 1982 when it came out.

A woman took a bath in swamp...why?

SUPERMAN came out in 1978, so DC comics could do a good movie at the time, but they followed that great movie with a guy who lives in a swamp for no reason.

Hey, I don't know if you've ever seen a movie called SWAMP THING, but you should. And then live to regret it for the rest of your life.
"Here's a seen from Swamp Thing. Do you notice anything odd about this Family/Children's movie?....somewhere around the nipples maybe?"
"The movie wasn't a superhero movie. The movie wasn't a horror. It wasn't a comedy. But, everything depends on Swamp Thing killing people in a swamp!"

And to insult the audience even more, nobody admits this movie was a mistake...NOBODY.

Thanks for reading our review. Now go spread the word about how awesome we are on Google+.
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