People of Earth. I am called JUNE XII and I have to warn you of a Conspiracy Theory that has just happen to a doctor from Africa. He has been murdered, because he had the cure for ALL diseases!

"What part of Africa?"
I don't know, why?'s not important.

"Well, how am I suppose to follow this story along if you don't fill in the holes?"
Ok, Ok, he's from Honduras.

"But, that's in Central America."
Look, just let me say this Conspiracy Theory out, ok?
Dr Sebi was killed because he could cure ALL known diseases!

"Is Sebi his first or his last name?"
I don't know.

"Well, how do I tell where he got his medical license from?"
Oh, he doesn't have a medical license.

"So, let me get this straight...a guy who you call DOCTOR who doesn't have a medical license has a cure for all diseases?"
ALL diseases!

"So, what is it?"
Iron Phosphate, Bromide, Carbonate, and Iodide.

"Ahh huh....and what do I do with it?"
You drink it. I guess...I'm not too sure.

"Why would anybody want to kill a guy who's just giving you the way to cure all diseases?"
I thought this was a non judgmental blog show?
"I changed my mind. Now, I want you to take your stupid Conspiracy Theory and get out!.....and don't forget to stop by the gift shop."
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