Friday, March 27, 2015

"Do you like the Dolphins?"

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO presentation*

I've always loved the term "Beat Writer." Truth be told, I was a little disappointed they didn't use the term. Well, Miami Herald reporter Adam Beasley definitely earned his title as a beat writer when he tweeted out some Dolphins related news, and included a link to some casting couch porn. 
According to CBS Detroit (link below)—whose sports teams are so lame, they're forced to cover Miami teams (sick burn, bro)—Beasley was clearly caught looking at porn while waiting for a scoop, or at the very least, failed to properly execute a CTRL-C before pulling a CTRL-V.
Instead of tweeting out a link in a tweet that referenced updates on Dolphins players such as Ryan Tannehill, he tweeted out a link to a porn site.
The link was to a casting couch website.
At least Beasley owned up to his mistake!
I'm with the original author on this one. At least Beasley didn't attempt to say his account was hijacked or some other such line of horseshit. Just writing "Whoops" isn't exactly what I would call owning it, but god bless him for having a sense of humor. 
Also, what good would this story be if I didn't include the original link he was attempting to tweet. Now you know exactly what turns the dude on...

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