"I'm with you all the way, Mickey. Don't be afraid to do this blog, Ok? You just act like they need to listen to what you have to say to them. Now go on."
Here-ye! Here-ye! I declare a Conspiracy Theory on the saint known as Mahatma Gandhi!
Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. You can't do one of your comedy shows one of the most respected people of the 20th century. He stands for everything that is GOOD and DECENT in the world.
Well, see that's the conspiracy. We all don't question that Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was killed.
But, we don't question WHY he was killed.
He was a great man. But...
But...what if I told you that he was a pedophile and a racist and didn't care much for Black people or dark skinned Indians in India called the "Untouchable".
You take that back!
Look, I'm just telling you that maybe it wasn't a crazy man who killed Gandhi at the church in 1938, but a guy who was trying to stop an evil man from from becoming a dictator.
Holy crap! This is all lies.
No. See, Gandhi never supported Civil Rights anywhere. He was a right wing nationalist.
What's that?
That means, he believed in the cast system of India. He LOVED it. He never wanted to stop it.

Gandhi went to South Africa.
To help Indian business in the segregated South Africa. That's it.

Martin Luther King marched with him.
Yeah, but Gandhi didn't take one step in America to support anything. After Gandhi died, his policies he believed in lead to 1 million killed and 12 million displaced in India.

I'm saying, what if his killer, Nathuram Godse, was a hero. #NathuramGodse I own that now.
Look you! Don't make us rewrite the history books based on your crazy Conspiracy Theory.
Boy, you do one blog about a guy who wears a diaper and everybody turns into a critic.
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