I'm Lou Finkle and this is my Conspiracy Theory.
Do you believe America went to the moon?
My guess today is the legend we all know, Fred Flintstone. Thanks for coming to our show, Mr. Flintstone.
What is a show?
It's thing we're doing on the internet.
What is internet?
Oh, I forgot. You're a caveman. You don't know about all these things we invented since you were around in your day, Fred. Well, you're on this thing we're doing on a blog to talk about if the Earth is flat and if we went to the moon... You see this bagel?
Do you think the Earth is like this bagel?
Yes...it's hollow in the middle. There's where the mole people live. They cheat you out of stuff.
Wait, you believe in mole people?
Yes..who do you think make those bagels?
Maury's House Of Bagels. When you think Maury, think Maury's Bagels.
Does Maury give you a discount?
When you order a baker's dozen, does he give you 13 bagels?
Guess what, the Earth is round. How else can Maury get your money coming and going.
I...ok...I think...
By the way, the moon is made of cream cheese. That's why I believe we went to the moon.
I think that's our show.
9/11 was all about chicken wings!

Turn his mic off.
Pizza Hut killed JFK.
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