I'm Frank Finkle and this is my Conspiracy Theory.
Does Sexism exist in comic book movies? Our guess today is star of comics since 1938, SUPERGIRL.
Thanks for coming to the show Supergirl. How old are you?

Thanks for having me. Hey, where did these bagels come from?
Those are Maury's Bagels. Pretty good, huh?

I can't put them down.
I'll send them the word you liked them. Now, Supergirl...do you mind if I ask you a few questions about being a legend?

Go ahead.
When you use your power, is it to fly up a destroy comets and fight super-villains from world dominance?

No, those writers are all men. They make me smile and fly really fast. Then when I get there, I make a speech. Then I punch something and by then the story is thinning out and it's over. I want people to talk about me the same way they talk about Superman!
How old are you?

I want them to look up and respect my decisions and actions.
How old you?

I want them to wear my t-shirts and watch my movies.
How old are you?

Did I mention how much I love these bagels? Do you want one up your ass?
But, really...you've been around since 1938 and you haven't aged like a regular human. What are you, like 100 now? You were around before Civil Rights and the Equal Rights Amendment. You might have in your mind that the old America is still the best.

No comment.
Yeah, Supergirl...I have some coffee getting cold in the next room. Can you use your heat vision and make it hot again?
So, comic book movies aren't Sexist at all. It's actually the characters themselves keeps themselves back. Much like women who refuse to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Is this what this show was about?

No...I actually wanted somebody to bring me that coffee from the other room. Thanks, sweetheart.
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