Former assistant police inspector (API) Sunil Khatpe, who is accused of raping a 29-year-old model in police custody, allegedly enquired with the medical officer if the delay in her medical examination would help his case. He is alleged to have asked the medical team if the “bite marks” on the victim’s skin would have healed, thereby weakening her claim, according to sources.
Khatpe, who was taken for a medical test at the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation-run KEM hospital on Sunday, tried to strike a conversation with the medical officers on the forensic evidence that the police might be able to gather against him in the case, according to sources.
On April 23, Khatpe was arrested for sexually assaulting a model in police custody. Seven others, among them two policemen and five informers, were also arrested on the charges of wrongful confinement and extortion.
“He tried to ask the doctors if the DNA test would be of any use to the prosecution given the delay of over 20 days. He also asked them if the ‘bite marks’ would have healed and if it could weaken claims made by the victim. But the doctors did not entertain him,” a senior police officer privy to case details said. “His behaviour depicts his mens rea or the guilty mind of the culprit,” the officer said.
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