Ku Klux Klan fliers were left at Selma homes on the 50th anniversary of "Bloody Sunday."
Robert Jones, the grand dragon of the Loyal White Knights of the KKK spoke with AL.com Sunday afternoon and said about 4,000 KKK fliers have been distributed throughout Selma and Montgomery in the last two weeks.
"We pretty much put out fliers, some against King and some against immigration," Jones said. "It's time for the American people to wake up to these falsehoods that they preach about MLK."
Jones said bags containing a flier and a rock were thrown onto the doorsteps of people's homes as KKK members drove by. He said the rock acted as a paperweight, and the homes that received fliers were random.
Jones said the KKK is not upset about the gathering in Selma over the weekend, saying "Everybody has a right to gather in this country, freedom of speech." However, he expressed frustration about the support for Martin Luther King, Jr. and said people are "supporting a man they don't know about."
According to Jones, the fliers were also a way to try to attract new members and to remind the community the KKK still exists.
"The Klan is still out there and we are watching," Jones said.
According to Ashley Thompson, reporter for CBS 8 Montgomery, residents on Selma Avenue alerted the news station about the fliers and said they called police.
Sunday thousands gathered in Selma to walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge as the city commemorated the 50th anniversary of the clash between police and civil rights marchers that led to the 1965 Voting Rights Act signed by President Lyndon Johnson.

Updated 1:50 p.m. with information from Jones about the KKK fliers.
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