"So, what you're saying is that we can't afford to buy a robot?"

"But, why not?"

Because you live in a MATURE ECONOMY here in Bedrock.
"Oh, he means we're just poor?"

Nope. You've got money and credit cards. Bedrock just got old. You don't have the economy to keep a robot in your house like they do on The Jetsons.
"What do they have that we don't?"

They live in the Skypad Apartments. Someone had to build an infrastructure for that. There had to be an atmosphere to support people living in those apartments. And those people have to be paid a wage to support a family, a flying car, vacations, and finally a robot that lives in their house.
"Can't we change it somehow?"

"Vote for me and I promise to get rid of all the Muslim Cavemen from Mexico with all their FAKE NEWS...trust me!"

Nobody's gonna understand this crap, Martha. Bring back the robot and be sure to mention Maury's House of Bagels.
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