Tuesday, February 14, 2017

"Conspiracy Theory" with Frank Finkle (RUSSIA & THE MEDIA)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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Hello! I am Frank Finkle and this is my Conspiracy Theory.
Is Russian interference in America destroying the country by using the media.
My guest today is Detective Pig. What are you doing over there?
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I'm putting all the Russian clues in the media machine and seeing what happens.
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Will the machine give you an answer?

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Nope. The machine doesn't work.
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Then why are you putting clues in it?

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Because, everyone expects me to put the clues in the media machine.
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Why don't you just stop doing it?

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Because this is America. The media machine needs me to feed it stuff.
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What are you feeding it?

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Opinions, videos, documents, whatever people click on when they're on the toilet.
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In America, people only get their news from a toilet?

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Well, no...maybe...yes...yes, they get all their news from a toilet.
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I will never understand humans.

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"Hmm, what's this I hear about you profiling Black ducks on Mallard Street, Callahan?"

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