We are Off Bloom. We are here to find you. We are three. We live in Copenhagen. We produce ourselves, write ourselves, for ourselves, for others and with others. Our biggest strength is our friends.
Those are some words of introduction from Off Bloom, an Anglo-Danish trio whose artful take on synth pop delivers a real emotional punch.
Debut EP 'Love To Hate It' was a wonderfully creative experience, released through the fast rising Sports Records imprint.
Recently stopping over in London for a whirlwind series of live shows, Off Bloom were accompanied by a full film crew to capture their nascent live show.
VIVID has obtained footage from one of these feverish shows, and it neatly captures a trio who seem to blossom with each performance.
'Love To Hate It' is rendering in all its emotive glory, with each synth line seeming to arrive with added muscle while the vocal cuts through it all.
Tune in now.
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