A bomb was exploded on buses in the London Underground by 4 suicide bombers. And we know these facts because their photo ID's were found in the bomb site. Questions have come to surface if those explosions were planned by the government.
Look, I know we're both Conspiracy Theory novelist, yeh?
We saw your video called 7/7 Ripple Effect and we have some questions.

Sure did, mate. Did you like it?
That's why we're here. We need to talk, yeh?
Two of you guys who did this movie, right? One of the guys is a Holocaust denier and the other one thinks he's Jesus Christ?

Ok...yes, but what does that have to do with the facts?
You didn't have facts!
You just did two hours of questions after questions without answers.
That's not true. We blamed Israel a couple of times.
We need to talk about that, yeh?
You can't be a Holocaust denier and do a Conspiracy Theory blaming Jews.
But we're with Disney. Didn't Disney hate Jews?
Whoa!...That's a myth. Don't believe everything you hear.
But, we're conspiracy theorist.
That's not a be-an-asshole-free card! Stop being an asshole!
So, you believe 7/7 wasn't a conspiracy theory?
Yeh! The London Underground has been under attack 18 times. Your movie didn't say that even once!
Oh, well...we didn't have time.
It was a two hour movie!
We ran out of film. And we needed to send this movie out to people.
We need to talk about that too.
Did you mail your movie to a Mosque? Don't you know we need all the help we can get to stop the real terrorist our false flags theories don't talk about?
We...didn't think of that.
Yeh! You Brits need to knock it off and leave the conspiracy junk to the professionals.
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