Monday, May 11, 2015

"You put PORN on the APPLE watch?"

The writer of a porn novel about the Apple Watch has claimed his bizarre erotic stories net him $1,000 (£650) a month.
Leonard Delaney has published a string of bizarre pornographic short stories with titles like Invaded By The iWatch, Taken By The Tetris Blocks and Conquered by Clippy, which depicts a torrid affair with Microsoft Office's virtual assistant.
His latest tome features a young woman called Christie Aackerlund, who gets down and dirty with an Apple Watch.
Writing under a pen name, he deliberately sets out to publish trashy short stories which are then flogged on Amazon's Kindle Store.

Amazon/Forest City Pulp

“The writing is intentionally crappy in some ways," he told Gizmodo.
"It helps to have this persona of a dude who is kind of a virgin and doesn’t know anything about female anatomy.”

Amazon/Forest City Pulp
Conquered by Clippy: The moving tale of one woman's love affair with a paperclip

So are these books any good?
Rob Manuel, editor of The Mirror's UsVsTh3m, devoured Invaded By The iWatch in one sitting.
"The book itself is short - 4000 words, the kind of thing you could knock out in an afternoon and stylistically it's drawing on slash fiction for comedy with tones of American Psycho, with the consumer brand fetishism laid on thick," he said.
"Is it satire? Of a type, but more than anything it's commercial, comedic writing.
"The key thing with these books is that there's no budget to promote them so the author needs to think of a title that makes a potential reader think: 'What on earth is this?'

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