In dueling dance Dengue party, which since 2013 shakes the beautiful-horizontina night with a contest of "vogue" (choreographic style known to imitate poses for fashion magazine covers), performance artist Crystal Lopez has been raised to the status of muse.Now, it is she who opens the calendar "Geni: A Photo Essay with Retained Bodies", produced by advertising Mariana Moraes and Daniel Rodrigues and currently available for free download on the internet.
Developed as end of course project in the Media College of UFMG, the work revisits the figure of pin-up models of the twentieth century, which are interpreted in photographs by Lopez, Valentina, Barbara Macedo, Dolly Piercing, Dhully Fantine, Fabiola Martins , Gisella Lima, Hagata Lafa, Transex Lara BH, Laura Matthias, Raphaela Ramalho and Tiffany Maria.
In common, all participants share their experience with the trans identity, which, in their case, the male universe moves for females. "I found this great idea and really enjoyed working on this project because it is a way to draw society's attention to the fact that we, transgender people, we are also human beings", says Crystal Lopez. She praises the initiative: "The result is brilliant."
One of the calendar fulfilling, Mariana Moraes account that creation was developed over 2014, driven by two main concerns: the will to deal with the language of photography and to address some issues around the theme of transsexuality.
Since the pin-up as a reference, she explains that he chose each of the participants just by identifying them with the female gender. "None of the portrayed had to present itself as a trans woman, but it was essential that closeness. The intention of going only for the presence of transgender models also has to do with the idea of portraying a body that is in transit, "said Mariana.
She says that underline this condition was an exit found to include a greater range of possibilities within the spectrum of sexuality. "The question of identity is something delicate and complex. Inside the trans universe, for example, we realized several particulars. There are those who also identify as a transvestite, others say they are women. Sometimes, trans woman, or just prefer to refer to herself as someone male who likes to wear women's clothing. Focus on this crop of transiting bodies was a way of trying to cope with this scope, "he says.
Another objective highlighted by it is to increase the visibility of a group of daily violence targeting people and prejudice. "There is a very strong rejection of their living conditions. Exists in society is very difficult to understand that they have the same rights as everyone else, and the calendar, in this sense, is a way to make room for these people to express themselves, "says Mariana.
About the process of creating the work, she points out how living with the models was important for the whole team. "When we started this, we did not have as size of the task would be important to them. We thought we were going to receive a greater contribution than actually give some return. But during the shoot we realized that they were very happy to do that and everything worked the way we wanted, "he reflects.
For Crystal Lopez, a positive point was to know with whom you can share similar experiences. "Some I already had contact, as Valentina and Dolly. Other, I first met in the project. That was great, because the best trans friends, "says the model.
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