Hello! My name is Frank Finkle 3000 and this is a Conspiracy Theory.
Are the people at the Town Hall Meetings, in fact, PAID PROTESTERS?
Do you remember when that rich guy called you at random on the phone one day?

"Guess what everybody? I just got a job to protest at a Town Hall Meeting."
"Of course, I never took money to leave the house and vote. Or leave the house for money and monitor the Voter I.D. laws in my city. Or leave the house for money to protest anything else that anybody will see on the cable television."

Dad, what are we going to do with all that money you're going to make from protesting?

"Well, since there's so many people, I figure they're going to pay me thousands and thousands of dollars. We've finally made it in life."
"Hey! We're HERE! Here we are, rich people!"

Look at those two. Why didn't you just pay those idiots to vote for our candidate in the first place? Don't pay them I tell you!
Why didn't your husband just take their money to vote in the first place. Your husband is an idiot.

And they never did give you the money, did they?
So, I guess that Conspiracy Theory is...where are you taking me, anyway?
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