I heard you hue-mans have a little problem with money? The last I heard was a Conspiracy Theory concerning your American government and something called a My RA?
That was an old conspiracy. 200 years ago, they thought the government was going to take their money out of a retirement account.
Yes, they were a uncivilized people back then. The My RA was for the poor who didn't have enough to put in a bank. You could start one for as low as $25 dollars and once it got up to $15,000 dollars the money was transferred to a place called Wall Street.

I don't get it. Don't you people need money? Where do you get the funds to buy a starship?
Well, you see...After the last world war, they stopped listening to the one faction of the country that was keeping them from advancing the inevitable future.

What was that?
Republicans. We purged them from government and things improved.
Father, my calculations have put us in the past, but not far enough.
Fool!...Well, let's go to the year 2016...and find these hue-mans called Republicans. They'll be perfect for our plan to destroy Earth.
Fine, let's go. I mean, who's going to say no to a bunch of friendly immigrants like us? How bad can these Republicans be?

...Let's not tell them...
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