It appears, Captain, that a Conspiracy Theory is stopping our every effort to make the Klingon take the MMR vaccine. Whenever we tell them how it's not the actual Mumps, Measles, and Rubella virus and yet a dead strain to produce antibodies in their blood...they resist us.
"I tell you, The Federation wants to kill all Klingons with alien science! I heard on the internet, that this vaccine can give you Autism, whatever that is. How do we know we can trust those freaks of nature!"
"I don't know about this. The pale faces seem like they want to help us."

"Help us?...Yes...Help us into an early grave, I tell you. Have I ever steered you wrong?"

"No, no, you haven't, Bill Maher"
They simply won't listen to reason. Spock, tell them without the MMR vaccine, they might transform into some hideous creature. Like a werewolf.
I tried, Captain. But, they believe their God, Kayless, will protect them from any disease that may befall them.

Foolish...I remember a time when the human race was so stupid and backwards, we would reject science for silly superstition.
"Never loose faith in the Empire! Never loose faith in your honor! Never loose faith in what's right!"
"Never loose the...say...I don't feel so good....what was I saying?....Right, never loose faith in what you know deep down NO FEDERATION sheep will lead us into danger."
Commander, your face!
100 years later...

And that's why we never listen to Bill Maher. It never works out.
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