I'm Frank Finkle and this is my Conspiracy Theory.
Can the NBA be rigged?
The Cleveland Cavaliers met with some protest of late, because of a basketball players' wife Tweeted that a game was rigged. To later delete the Tweet after a few minutes past.
Which people took to Youtube and started to ask "Can the NBA be rigged?"
My guest today is Sylvester Shyster.

So, what do you think? Can the NBA or any other sport be rigged?
What year is it?

How much does a referee earn in a year?

Well, it says here on Google it's $150,000 up to $550,000 a year before taxes.
Do you know how much it is if you are a referee in your 50's and you've been doing it for 20 years?

No I don't.
I do, and it ain't $150,000 dollars a year.
How much? I make only $22,000 a year. And I'm a professional Soccer player.

Hey! It's Hope Solo!

You Americans suck at Football. I earn $400,000 a year.

Brazilian Soccer player Marta Vieira!
Who invited those two in our conversation? Get out of here and go make me a sandwich or something....the point is...a referee is the only person who has the ability on the field to call a win or a loss.
You get me a bitter old referee, and you got yourself a goldmine.

But, we trust Sports to be fair.
You wanna talk fair? If Hope Solo got a couple of her friends on the team and started placing bets on the game on the other team winning, those girls would "rig" the game.

You mean like in 1964 at a high school Kentucky basketball game, 8 players placed bets on the game to loose and they were caught?
Hehehehehe...sports, huh?

I just don't want to think it's that easy to ruin sports.
Hey, you gonna eat that bagel over there?

You mean this Maury's Bagel from Maury's House Of Bagels? Go ahead.
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