Monday, December 22, 2014

TRACY KISS gets revenge

Tracy Kiss
Sexy: Stay-at-home mother-of-two Tracy Kiss has shot to online stardom after posing raunchy selfies on Instagram
stay-at-home single mum has had the last laugh on her former fiancé by rocketing to online stardom thanks to a series of raunchy selfies.
Tracy Kiss originally began posting images of herself in a bid to show her ex who walked out on her, what he was missing.
Miss Kiss, 27, from Wendover, Bucks, was forced to undergo three life-saving ops in 2013 after it was discovered her silicone breast implants were leaking.
But only five days after leaving hospital following her breast reconstruction, her partner of five-and-a-half years walked out on her - leaving her to raise daughter Milicent, 7, and Gabriele, 2, as a single mum.
Rather than descend into self-pity, she threw herself into a gruelling fitness regimeand diet - and was so pleased with the results that she decided to share them online.
Her selfies showing off her toned physique have earned her a dedicated social media following, with more than 50,000 followers on Instagram and more than 300,000 views on her personal YouTube page.
But after a decade of hiding away her body, she is now on a mission to show that being a parent doesn't mean you have to be a "dowdy mum in a cardigan".
Tracy Kiss
Fit: Tracy has documented her fitness regime that has given her a sexy look
"I felt that after having kids, I didn't want to let myself go," Tracy said.
"I am only 27, but I was living as if I was old and past it. When you're a mother, you neglect yourself, you put everything before yourself. But I thought 'I need to be young while I'm still young'."
And now Tracy, who had surgery and cosmetic procedures totalling £20,000, has set her sights on becoming the UK's answer to US Instagram butt sensation Jen Selter.
Bullied relentlessly at high-school for her looks, Tracy was a self-described 'late bloomer' - but by the age of 18 she had won a string of glamour modelling contracts.
However, after falling pregnant after a two-week fling aged 20, she turned her attentions to full-time motherhood - having her second child five years later with Luca.
And despite the raunchy nature of her Instagram, Tracy insists that mothers at the school gates are supportive.
"Because I'm a young parent, the majority of the parents at my kid's school are 10 or 20 years older than me," she said.
Tracy Kiss
Raunchy: Stay-at-home mum Tracy has thousands of followers
"The mums at school say 'Oh my God, my husbands just added you on Facebook, he just pervs at your pictures'. They just make a joke of it. They say 'If I was your age, if I looked like you, I'd be doing it too.' Lots of them ask me for workout tips or dieting and beauty tips."
And while some people might frown at a mother sending out salacious selfies, Tracy has no regrets about posing such shots online.
She added: "If I was on a beach, you see people that are 65 walking around with their bits out and you think 'they're so brave, they've got it all on show and they don't care what people think'.
"I always think, well I always wear a minimum of a bikini. What harm is it? I look at pictures people my age are posting on Facebook and Instagram, even Katie Price has had five children and she'll be in her underwear, and I think 'if everyone else is doing it, that's the way the world is'.
"I'm going to act my age, and I see no shame in it. Despite having two children, I'm proud of the condition I'm in now. I think 'use it or lose it' really."
"I wasted so many years of my life because people didn't like how I looked or find me attractive, talked down to me, spat in my face. Now I think why did I let that happen? I resolved for the rest of my life not to let that happen to me again."

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