Wednesday, September 2, 2015


*Warning: PIRATE RADIO presentation*
legal prostitute Sarah Greenmore in sexy underwear
Has Pretty Woman left you confused about what really goes on in the sex industry?
Here, sex worker  reveals the most intimate secrets of her controversial work.
The pink-haired prostitute, who sleeps with up to seven clients a night, earns around £3,000 a week working at a called Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada, US.
And the curvy seductress says she "loves her job" and her favourite sex act is 
"I love giving blow jobs," she said, "I love to time them to music, move my tongue with the melodies and bob my head with the beat."
From taking men's virginity to conducting appointments, here Sarah openly discusses the ins and outs of the business.
1. What's the kinkiest thing you've done at work?
"Some of the kink appointments I've participated in have been giving hard canings and role-play as a headmistress, helping a man ejaculate onto his own face, dressing a client in women's clothing and makeup and teaching him how to be promiscuous, being tied up myself with ropes with a ballgag.
"I love the BDSM & kink appointments, its really fun to find someone's turn ons and use that information to give them the best sexual experience of their life."
2. How many virgins visit you and do you enjoy taking their virginity?
"I've taken about a dozen virginities now.
"I really enjoy de-virginising parties because I get to make a lasting impression on my guest. I get to be a teacher and help them explore intimacy for the first time.
"I see a lot of older virgins – men in their thirties or forties and to be intimate with them means a lot to them."
3. What is your favourite sex act?
"I love giving blow jobs, and I feel like I've mastered them. I've been told be nearly every client, unprompted 'That was the best blowj ob of my entire life'.
"I love to time them to music, move my tongue with the melodies and bob my head with the beat, experiment with pressure and suction.
"Mat Zo, Seven Lion, Markus Shultz, Frontlier are some of my favourite DJs music to have sex to. Its energetic and fun."
4. Do you kiss clients on the lips?
"I am selective about the clients I kiss, it's not standard and generally only for clients I feel a connection with or have paid specifically for that service."
“I really enjoy de-virginising parties because I get to make a lasting impression on my guest”
Sarah Greenmore
5. Is there anything you wouldn't do because it's too personal?
"My work in itself is highly personal and intimate, there's not much I won't do.
"There are things I do for safety reasons; I'll never do anything involving bareback (no condoms), semen, blood or scat. Those things are highly off limits to me."
6. How would you define your sexuality? Do you prefer sex with men or women?
"I would describe my sexuality as very fluid. I am a very feminine woman and find myself attracted to many different types of men and women.
"I find extremes very attractive, hyper masculinity or overly feminine traits.
"Androgyny is something I've always been very interested in and the fluidity of other people's sexuality and the way they express themselves.
"I've only ever dated men, and I'm in a point in my life where I'd like to explore a dynamic with many different types of people and sexual identities."
7. Have you ever fallen in love with a clients or started have romantic feelings for them?
"I have never had feelings for clients beyond what's appropriate to me for client/provider relationship.
"There are clients who's company I very much enjoy, clients I hope to continue seeing for many years to come."
8. Do you enjoy the sex with clients? Do you reach orgasm too?
"I am generally trying to ensure my client orgasms during our allotted time, I take a bit more work to get there :).
"I have many techniques a client can use to ensure my satisfaction, mainly hand or manipulation with a toy, my favourite being a Hitachi Magic Wand."
9. If you don't want to have sex with someone can you turn them down?
"Yes, of course. I run my own business from the brothel, in essence I rent the room from them. I am an independent contractor so I am able to set my own rates, schedule and see the clients I agree to."
10. Have you ever refused to have sex with someone and why?
"Yes, I turn down clients often. The largest reason is that we cannot come to an agreement on the price for an appointment.
"I prefer quality over quantity, especially with the amount of emotional and physical energy I put towards my appointments.
"I have also turned down clients if they are too aggressive/pushy when we are talking – respect and basic courtesy go a long way here.
"I have also turned down clients based on hygiene standards. I do a genital check before I accept the money and if a man has poor hygiene or any visible signs of STD, I turn them away and refer them to their doctor."
11. Does it ruin sex for you in your personal life?
"No, I still very much enjoy sex. Sex with a romantic partner is different, not necessarily better, but just a different kind of harmony you have with someone."
12. Do you ever feel guilty if the clients are married?
"No, never. It would be different if I was seeking them out directly, however they are coming to my place of business and seeking my services.
"I do not know the circumstances of each client's personal relationships and its also not my place to question that.
"Their wives could have low libido or drive, medically find sex painful or exhausting.
"My clients could have an agreement with their wives about seeing a professional. I don't know, I don't ask."
13. Does your family know what your do and so they support you?
"Yes, my family does know I work at a brothel. They are somewhat understanding, however I don't feel like they are directly supportive.
"I don't need their support, however I do try to let them know that I am safe, happy and well-adjusted.
"I have always been fiercely independent and I couldn't imagine trying to live my entire life with my parents approval at the forefront of my mind. I want adventures and experiences."
14. Do you REALLY enjoy your job?
"I love my job, and not many people can say that.
"There are ups and downs, just like any other job but I wake up each work day excited about my new opportunities.
"I can say I am incredibly lucky I have the opportunity to work in such a safe and friendly environment, I know that is not the norm.
"I have the ability to make my clients feel incredible about themselves, physically, emotionally, spiritually.
"Our work is a lot more than just sex – it can bring a new confidence to virgins or can be comforting to divorcees or the widowed.

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