Wednesday, September 2, 2015

7 Everyday THINGS that can KILL you!

*Warning: AL JAZEERA AMERICA presentation*
dead body in with tag on foot
Did you know that drinking six litres of water can kill you and downing 13 shots can shut down parts of the brain, leading to death?
No, didn't think so. But there is a worrying list of seemingly mundane items that can cause you to drop down dead.
From cherry pits to lack of sleep, AsapSCIENCE have created a handy video showing you how much of different substances can cause death.
If you're a hypochondriac you might want to look away now.
However, if you want to avoid accidentally killing yourself, read on.
Here is a list of items that could kill you….
Alcohol: 13 shots
Careful not to lose count on a night out, as doing 13 shots in a row can shut down parts of the brain, leading to death.
Being tall
Unfortunately there's not a lot you can do about this one, but being tall is slowly killing you.
In fact, every inch above 5ft takes 1.3 years off your life.
Cherry pits: 1-2
A cherry pit contains a lethal dose of cyanide, so munch with care.
Water: 6 litres
We're constantly told to drink more water, but even that can kill us.
If you three times the daily recommended amount your brain cells will start to swell, leading to comas and seizures.

WaterCoffee: 70 cup
Most people know that having too much caffeine is bad for you. It can trigger heart palpitations and even cardiac arrest.
But thankfully it would be pretty hard to drink the deadly amount as you'd have to gulp down three cups an hour. WHERE IS SAFE: Even clean drinking water can kill you
Lack of sleep: 11 days
Just on case you feel like doing 11 all-nighters. Don't.
Chocolate: 85 full size bars
Just in case anyone out there is consuming anywhere near this number of chocolate bars a day.

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