Monday, August 3, 2015

NAKED Waterloo Demontration!

*Warning: AL JAZEERA AMERICA presentation*
Hundreds of people demonstrate for the right of women to walk around topless

Several hundred people, mostly women, marched on Sunday in the Canadian town of Waterloo , about 110 kilometers southwest of Toronto, for the right of women to walk topless through the streets .
The demonstration had been called days after a local police officer ordered three women from the nearby town of Kitchener (Ontario) to cover her breasts while riding a bike around the city.Many of the demonstrators marched through the streets of Waterloo topless or without shirts.


Since 1996 it is legal in the province of Ontario that women can walk the streets without covering their breasts after a legal battle initiated by Gwen Jacob , who in 1991 was fined for walking without covering her breasts.
Among the attendees at the event's three sisters (were Alysha Brilla, Tameera Nadia Mohamed and Mohamed ) who were stopped by the police last week and Gwen Jacob.
In July 1991, Jacob, then a college student, decided to go out shirtless on a day when the thermometer showed 33 degrees Celsius.
Jacob was arrested, charged with an indecent act and fined $ 75 by a judge who said the breasts of women must remain covered in public because they are "female body part that is stimulating for men, both by sight as touch ".
Jacob appealed on the grounds that the same can be applied to the chest of men but these are allowed to circulate in the streets shirtless.
Finally, in 1996 the Court of Appeal for Ontario ruled in favor of Jacob to determine the context in which the student had discovered her breasts was not sexual or "commercial" and that " anyone who was offended was forced to continue looking . "

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