Monday, September 7, 2015

ORAL SEX weight loss

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO presentation*
Woman eating banana
Have you ever wondered how many calories you're burning when you're working up a sweat in the bedroom? Well, it could well be more than you think.
Sex, oral and kissing are not only great for your relationship and happiness levels, they are also beneficial to your physical health.
Not only does getting hot between the sheets get your heart rate up, it can also help you beat the bulge.
Below we reveal just how many calories a 10st 7lb woman could burn during sex, oral and even kissing.
Giving oral sex: 100 calories per half-hour
A woman can burn a whopping 100 calories every half an hour from .
That's the equivalent of walking for 35 minutes or doing 15 hardcore minutes on the rowing machine.
If you want to ramp it up even further, Los Angeles–based sexologist Jaiya Kinzbach, recommends doing push-ups during the act or even trying out some yoga.
"You can do a little yoga," she told Woman's Day. "Try plank position into downward facing dog, and back into plank where you can lower down and do some oral stimulation."
You can blast an extra 71 calories by adding the occasional push-up and a further 35 doing some yoga moves. 
  • Can of Coca-Cola (139 calories) = 45 minutes
  • Mars Bar (260 calories) = 1 hour 20 minutes
  • Big Mac burger (508 calories) = 2 hours 40 minutes
couple having sex
SEXERCISE: Romping burns around 144 calories per half-hour – more if you get on top
Having Sex: More than 144 calories per half-hour
You'd have to go on a 20 minute jog to burn this many calories, but most people would agree this type of activity is much more fun. 
Obviously the longer and more vigorous the session is the more fat you will burn.
is the best for working out your calfs and quads and if you squeeze your legs into your man's sides is will work your core harder.
This position burns about 207 calories in just 30 minutes. So you'll be sexing your way to a six-pack in no time.
Experts also estimate that women who orgasm during sex burn more calories during lovemaking than those who don't. So make sure he knows what he's doing.
Couple kissing in bed
PUCKER UP: Just kissing can burn 68 calories an hour
Kissing: 68 calories per hour
Smooching alone can help you shed the pounds, as an hour of puckering up burns nearly 70 calories.
That might seem like a lot of kissing, but when you're in the throes of love it's all you want to do. 
"If the kissing is vigorous and involves some petting, it could be even closer to 90 calories burned in an hour," added Jaiya.
Doing push-ups on top of him and getting a kiss as a reward can also ramp up your calories burning potential to around 171 calories in 30 minutes.
So, if you want to lose weight you better gain a more active sex life

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