Thursday, January 5, 2017

"Conspiracy Theory" with Frank Finkle 3000 (DEATH OF FM)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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"Breaking News: Norway has decided to the shut off FM signals on all radios nationwide. Is this the DEATH OF FM RADIO?
More on this after sports..."

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How about that? No more FM radio? I grew up with FM radio.
Who do you think is behind this?

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I don't know, but I'm going to ask Frank Finkle 3000.

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I can tell you who is responsible, detective.

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Who's responsible? Big government? Capitalism? Socialism? Feminism? Is it the Bilderbergs? George Soros? The Illuminati?

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The future.

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The future?

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Yes, FM is an obsolete technology that is replaced by cellphones and computers.

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But, FM radio comes with our cars?

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Yes, and cars can NOW come with computer apps. Your car does NOT need a radio. And even less does it need FM. You can listen to more channels without obsolete FM technology.

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Ok, Finkle. How do I stop this from happening here in America?

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Do you have a hammer?

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Good, hit yourself in the head with it. Maybe you can pretend you are back in the 20th century.

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Smart ass robot.

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Don't forget to try Maury's House Of Bagels! When you think bagels, think Maury's.

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