I'm Frank Finkle and this is my Conspiracy Theory.
Can microwaves control the weather?
My guest today is an expert on microwaves and how they operate, welcome Mr. Microwave.

Thanks...Hot Pocket?

Not right now, Mr Microwave, can you control the weather?

I can heat things up by making them cook from the inside out. Hot Pocket?

Not now, so if you were pointed at the sky, what would happen?

You mean from your house?


Nothing..I guess, you would get cancer from holding me up to the sky maybe...Hot Pocket?

No! What if I had a satellite and pointed you down?

The heat would come in contact with the cold air pockets in the air and create wind.

I knew it!

I'm not finished, then my microwaves would keep going and heat everything it came in contact with.


So, if you think your satellite can cook the air, but won't cook everything else on the ground, maybe you should seek professional help... Hot Pocket?

Yes, maybe I will take one of those Hot Pockets.
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