Sunday, April 19, 2015

"Give this woman a NICKNAME"

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO presentation*

Bubba: Hey Skeeter, what we gonna talk about on the show today?

Skeeter: Well I was thinkin' we'd give some political advice to some woman we both know and are TOLD to love.

Bubba: Who's that Skeeter?

Skeeter: Hillary Clinton.

Bubba: Ok

Skeeter: I think because she has such a poor manner with crowds of people and we all know she's richer than most of the voters who "want" to vote for her, then she needs a nickname.

Bubba: A nickname? She doesn't have one of those does she?

Skeeter: Nope! With all that money, there's one thing she ain't got...a nickname.
See, a nickname let's others know that somebody liked you well enough to give you a special name they want to call you from time-to-time so they can remember you in a pleasant way until you part ways.

Bubba: Ok. What name should she get? Cupcakes? Cookie? Jasmine?

Skeeter: I was thinking Tootie.

Bubba: Tootie?...You mean from the Facts Of Life?

Skeeter: Damn right. Anybody got a problem with Tootie? She was the funniest one on the show. It's a good nickname.

Bubba: Ok, we'll talk about this on the show. Can we talk about the Scoobie van? I don't think it should be called that. I mean she's not solving mysteries or nothin'..

Skeeter: I think they call it a Scoobie van because there's no Black people in it, they smoke weed, and the police never pulls them over.

Bubba: Yeah, you got the music ready?

Skeeter: Got it.

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