Friday, December 12, 2014

PORNstars love smartphone apps

If you've got a smartphone, you know what a pain in the ass it can be deciding which apps are essential and which ones are just eating up precious data. Thankfully the good people over at  Rabbit's Reviews decided to ask a bunch of porn performers for some app recommendations. 

Ariel Rebel

“In all the music applications I tried, Songza is really the one I prefer.  The playlists chosen are great and there is so many different styles to choose from.  I also like the fact that you can choose playlist by mood and activity like ‘Cry Myself to Sleep’ or ‘A Garden State of Mind’.”
Tanya Tate

Tanya is big on Viber: “Viber rocks as it means I can text my family back home in the UK and also phone chat for free. My Mum is not so good with using Skype, but with Viber she can’t go wrong you just press the button to call.”
Kelly Shibari

”Feedly is fantastic for keeping up with world news as well as topical news relevant to my needs without having to go to a bunch of different sites. It also allows me to read the articles when I have the time to read them thoroughly. It feeds from various outlets, so I don’t have to rely on one source (which can be biased). The mainstream news allows me to stay on top of what’s going on outside the “adult industry media cave,” so I can potentially also integrate current events into my clients’ outreach.”
Scarlet Red

Scarlet (sticking with the navigation-theme) also mentioned the Waze app, saying that she uses it ” every time I get into my car, I just moved to LA and “Waze” has brought me the fastest routes, as well as precautions on the road and an upcoming traffic cop stops.”

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