Monday, May 11, 2015

How to PROTEST UK Conservatives without a RIOT

*Warning: AL JAZEERA AMERICA presentation*

The UK now has a Conservative government and a lot of people are worried aboutwhat this means for our country - particularly for the most vulnerable groups.
If this includes you, now is not the time to despair. There are things you can do to actively oppose this government and its harshest policies.

Here are 7 ways you can make a difference:

1. Join a political party

In our representative democracy, political power primarily rests with political parties.
If you want to help make sure the Conservative government doesn't win a majority at the next election, and that other parties mount an effective opposition in parliament, get involved.
Labour and the Liberal Democrats have upcoming leadership elections, so now is a particularly good time to help influence the direction of those parties.
If you're not sure which party is the best choice for you, read about their respective policies so you can decide:

2. Write to your MP

Write to your MP and let them know your opinions on issues you care about. Put pressure on them to represent the views of you and other constituents.
The Parliament website has a House of Commons schedule so you can look when specific things are being debated and voted on - and time your letters accordingly.
There's also a directory so you can find out who your MP is and how to contact them.

3. Get involved with a campaigning organisation

There are many charities and campaign groups that aim to influence the political process and government policy. Different organisations use a range of different tactics.
If you oppose spending cuts, UK Uncut is worth checking out. Sisters Uncut is a group focusing on cuts to domestic violence services.

PAA large group of demonstrators from the direct action group UK Uncut gather outside what is believed to be the home of Lord Freud
Direct action group UK Uncut organises demonstrations against government austerity and tax avoidance

National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts opposes tuition fees and education spending cuts. Arts Emergency aims to counter reductions in access to the arts and humanities.
If you're concerned about the "snooper's charter" and other civil liberties issues, take a look at Liberty and Big Brother Watch.
Save the Children is running a campaign to restart Mediterranean Sea rescues.Migrant Rights Network works for the rights of all migrants in the UK.
Mirror Online plans to produce a comprehensive directory of relevant campaigning organisations.
If you think your group should be included, please with the words "ACTIVISM DIRECTORY" in the subject line.

4. Join a trade union

Trade unions are organisations that fight for the rights and interests of their members
If your workplace is already unionised, you may want to join a union that way.
If your workplace isn't unionised, but you believe you and your coworkers could benefit from union support, here's a guide to achieving that.
You don't have to be employed to join a trade union. Unite, the UK's largest union, lets anyone become a community member. Contribution rates are significantly lower for those not in work.

5. Do what you can to mitigate the effects of harmful policies

As well as attempting to influence government policy directly or indirectly, you can also try to counter the effects of those policies at ground level.
This is particularly true when it comes to austerity. If you can spare the money, consider donating to a charity working with groups most likely be hit by spending cuts. The Charity Commission maintains a searchable directory.
Maybe you can afford to donate food and other goods to a local foodbank. If so, you can find your nearest Trussell Trust foodbank here. You can also support the Trussell Trust with cash donations.

The Trussell Trust has provided emergency help to hundreds of thousands of people in the UK

It's not just money that is useful, you can also help by giving your time. Have a look at the directory for volunteering opportunities in your area.
Also, consider moving your money from a bank or building society to a credit union. Not only will you have the opportunity to benefit from fairer lending, you'll also help other people do the same.

6. Talk to people you disagree with in a constructive way

For other parties to win more seats, more people need to believe it's worthwhile to vote for them.
If you know someone with different political beliefs to you, or who isn't very politically engaged, talk to them about it. Make sure you don't only give your own argument, try to understand theirs as well.
The goal isn't to change anyone's opinion overnight - that's very unlikely to actually work.
Instead, you're simply trying to introduce them to points and perspectives they might not have considered, and to be introduced to new ideas yourself.

7. Make sure you're registered to vote

If you're reading this, it's quite likely you are already registered to vote. But if not, why not do it online now? It only takes a few minutes.
Registering means you'll definitely be able to participate in the next General Election, and also in the planned referendum on whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union.
Remember that you will need to register again whenever you move home.

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